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Re: Tracking installs

On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 : On Mon, 1 Feb 1999 MallarJ@aol.com wrote:
 : > I knew dpkg did the install, but where does it track what it did?  Is there a
 : > dpkg log somewhere?
 : dpkg -l lists packages installed.
 : dpkg --get-selections produces an output which you could later feed to
 : dpkg --set-selections to restore a ***ed system


  `dpkg -L foo' lists all files installed by package foo
  `dpkg -s foo' tells you everything you need to know about package foo.
  `dpkg -S foo' tells you which package(s) contain "foo", e.g.

finn@brahe:~ $ dpkg -S */dpkg
dpkg: /usr/include/dpkg
dpkg: /etc/dpkg
dpkg, base-files: /var/lib/dpkg
dpkg: /usr/bin/dpkg
apt, dpkg: /usr/lib/dpkg
dpkg: /usr/doc/dpkg

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:finn@midco.net           http://www.midco.net
finger finn@home.midco.net for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

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