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Re: kernel 2.0.36 question update


> I just discovered that when I uncompressed 2.2.1 tarball, it installed to
> the linux dir which was a symlink to my 2.0.36 dir, so I guess that is the
> major problem.

;-) Yes, that surely caused a perfect mess.

> Still, how do I apply to patch for kernel 2.2.1?

Assuming from your previous mail you have patch in bz2 format. You have to
use bunzip2 (not simply bunzip) to unpack the patch - maybe you should
install the bzip2 package. Then go to /usr/src directory, and issue this

patch -p1 < your_decompressed_patch_file

> Babylon 5 fanatic

Yeah? I'm a Trek fan, on the contrary :)))

All the very best,
                      * Peter Paluch                  *
                      * Kukucinova 939/35             *
                      * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto     *
                      * Slovakia, Europe              *
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                      * mobil: +905 16 44 32          *
                      * domov: +421 826 421 2542      *

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