debian-powerpc Nov 2006 by thread
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Volume Control Error james
Re: adduser, useradd: are there any differences Ruseckas,Victor [Ontario]
Help needed with update-manager james
i386 binary Enrique Morfin
mathematica Enrique Morfin
Gnash on ppc eats too much cpu zhaojin
no X on ppc harry meyers
Help needed with Alsa James Dunn
Debian on new Macs with Intel CPU? David Moerike
Installing Etch without re-installing Tiger. Charles Plessy
Government Funding Available cbookshop1
pbbuttonsd: fkeysfirst doesn´t work anymore... Sebastian Muszynski
Have mnemonic on feud Saul Becker
Go of married Erica Curran
Rotate monitor on Powerbook 5,7 Rub?n G?mez Antol?
Prima esperienza di striptease e pio sesso anale trovi qui Truman Myles
Re: grub2 on powerpc Sven Luther
Making a d-i USB memory stick under Mac OS X Otto Maddox
beige g3 & debian ppc Folkert van Heusden
blue g3 Folkert van Heusden
iBook power button calls shutdown/restart dialog James Dunn
Fwd: Bug#397489: gtimer: crashes at startup Russ Allbery
Evolution crashin with experimental data server Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA
if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ... Sven Luther
- Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ... Jan Stedehouder
- Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ... Børge Holen
- Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ... Charles Plessy
- which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Johannes Berg
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Johannes Berg
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Johannes Berg
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Otavio Salvador
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Otavio Salvador
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Otavio Salvador
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Charles Plessy
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Charles Plessy
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Alex Fernandez
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Sven Luther
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Fabio Tranchitella
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
- Re: which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Fabio Tranchitella
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ... Gunther Furtado
[Fwd: Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...] Fábio Rabelo
desculpas (Era Res: algo estranho) Gunther Furtado
Install Etch on G4 server with RAID1 Frédéric Massot
Debian on IBM iSeries Jean-Sebastien Pilon
Mouse/keyboard problem James Dunn
[D-I] Please update kernel udebs to 2.6.18-6 Frans Pop
GWorkspace doesn't work in Sarge Jeffrey Rolland
Re: linux-kernel-di-powerpc-2.6_1.24_powerpc.changes REJECTED Sven Luther
which serious bugs exactly? (Re: if you care about debian on powerpc, please react ...) Holger Levsen
Help with MOL: start in a window + networking Jack Malmostoso
CapsLock freezing Yaboot... Charles Plessy
compiz startup error William Xu
bug in cpufreqd? leandro noferini
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: bug in cpufreqd? leandro noferini
Re: bug in cpufreqd? leandro noferini
time for change down there? John Holmes
PowerMac G4 : how to enable the server mode ? Frédéric Massot
PowerBook G4 (5.9) Debian Sound problem Steffen Thoss
Problem with bzip2 sources in sid Clive Menzies on PowerPC James Stark
g5 imacs now silent? Holger Levsen
The last update was on 07:17 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 250 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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