debian-amd64 Sep 2005 by thread
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wake-on-lan with Abit KV-80 Jamie Rollins
tcmplex William Brown
Debian Sid amd64 on a Compaq v2310us (status report) Ken Bloom
new kernel Dean Hamstead
Segfaults as non-root user John C. McCullough
Migrate running IA32 system to Debian AMD 64? mailarch
remove unwanted modules Marc DM
wish for package kasablanca - cvs built fine Lars Schimmer
New Install works great! My experience. Mike Dobbs
nvidia + openGL + java Hugh Waite
Re: Bug#329355: Kernels compiled from kernel-source-2.4.27 can't boot on x86_64. Frederik Schueler
amaroK: No engine works Johannes Klug
Ocfs2-Tools on Debian Sarge (AMD64) Bool
media player hjalmar
transcode - mplex - a/v sync problem William Brown
nvida driver is not working after reboot Alexander Fieroch
ipw2100 (wlan-card) Hans
Request to test a G77 bug on 64-bit platforms Kevin B. McCarty
Why has xlibmesa-dri grown by 73.5 MB in DSA 816-1? Helge Kreutzmann
Re: Problems with new Ati graphic drivers Sylvain Archenault
Problems with Acrobat Reader 7.0 in pure64 environment Michelasso
Backing up a dual opteron server with an Pentium 4 server Steve Dondley
Onboard raid controllers a problem? Steve Dondley
qmail grrrrrrrrrrr trango
kpdf crashes on some pdf documents Michelasso
Network Block Device Mike Reinehr
Goswin: your 32bit archive John Kehayias
ATI drivers for Debian 64 bit...
Qt 4.0.0 and 4.0.1, /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
Weird sensord problem John Verhoeven
Heat problem with amd64 laptop Clive Menzies, chroot and fonts Piotr Kopszak
mythtv fails Craig Hagerman
Installer segfaults. Thomas Alexander Frederiksen
jigdo dvd images vitko
ASUS A8V Deluxe SATA problems Anthony DeRobertis
Kernel compilation failure Gilles
Tyan Thunder K8W S2885 with 4GB memory missing memory?? Joost Kraaijeveld
Bad display on console (nVidia) Gilles
ia32-libs question (how does it work?) michael
mono-jit Philippe
The MBR package? Andreas
IOMMU on Tyan K8WE s2895 Lionel Elie Mamane
NUMA setup on Tyan s2895 Lionel Elie Mamane
AMD64 howto for mere mortals Steve Dondley
amd64, xorg, fglrx and pivot Marcin Wlodarczak
Which applications have been ported and will work? Steve Dondley
One small question about compiling Vpopmail on amd64 Leoman HEDE
K8 Mainboards Compatibility List Addition Armstrong Neil
K8 Mainboards Compatibility List - SuperMicro HADAR-8 Elaine Tsiang YueLien
Problem with lp and/or cups Sven Krahn
Re: realtime-lsm norv
K8 Mainboard addition In The Night
numactl - upgrade, pin, or backport Elaine Tsiang YueLien
Re: Re: AMD 64 Stability on Asus A8v Deluxe Alan Manning
RE: MAME? AMD64 not official? Joost Kraaijeveld
Fwd: Re: Qt 4.0.0 and 4.0.1, /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
chroot:32-bit-linker , how ???? Hans
anybody got the working? Giacomo Mulas
Re: Compiling third-party kernel modules for amd64 kernel onDebian/386 Shaun Jackman
Building a 64-bit module on i386 Shaun Jackman
perspectives on 32 bit vs 64 bit Faheem Mitha
Matlab in sarge amd64 chroot Gudjon I. Gudjonsson
Sharing sound between apps using Alsa? Joost Kraaijeveld
Mozilla Thunderbird bug? Alex Ferrara
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