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amd64 sources.list file

okay.  I've been happily screwing around with my sources.list file,
and I'm positively baffled.  None of the amd64 servers appear to work
for me.  Thus, I'm starting a whole thread for the discussion of what
looks to become a nice, big, fat, hairy, penguin-eating problem.

My big question: what servers for both packages and sources to those
packages will work for me (your average Californian).  I've been
working a little bit with netselect, and that was certainly
interesting for it to find what appeared to be some of the most
obscure servers in existance.  So, I'm just going to paste the entire
contents of the sources.list file I have right now, and let people
yell at me for doing boneheaded things (if something wasn't working or
I didn't want it, I commented it out instead of deleting it - a very
good practise most of the time)

=== /etc/apt/sources.list ===
# the main Debian packages.
# deb stable main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most packages.
# deb-src stable main contrib

deb [ftp|http]://mirror.espri.arizona.edu/debian-amd64/debian/
[sarge|sid] main contrib
deb-src [ftp|http]://mirror.espri.arizona.edu/debian-amd64/debian/
[sarge|sid] main contrib

deb [ftp|http]://debian.csail.mit.edu/debian-amd64/debian/ [sarge|sid]
main contrib
deb-src [ftp|http]://debian.csail.mit.edu/debian-amd64/debian/
[sarge|sid] main contrib

# deb http://amd64.debian.net/debian-amd64/ [sarge|sid] main contrib

# deb http://mirrors.geeks.org/debian/dists/sid/ contrib main non-free

# deb http://debian.csail.mit.edu/debian-amd64/debian/ testing main
contrib non-free
# deb http://debian.csail.mit.edu/debian-amd64/debian/ unstable main
contrib non-free

# the non-US Debian packages.
# deb http://debian.tu-bs.de/debian-non-US/ stable/non-US main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most non-US packages
# deb-src http://debian.tu-bs.de/debian-non-US/ stable/non-US main contrib
=== /etc/apt/sources.list ===

That's what I have right now.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
I'd like to stop running everything in i386 emulation mode - even
though the processor can natively do everything in x86, I'd still like
to use the extra 32 bits - just for the heck of it, if you will.  Plus
I'd love to help develop for Linux, or even possibly help compile
packages or that sort of a thing once I can lock down the situation
and get eveything nice and happily 64-bit.

Have a nice day!

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