debian-kde Mar 2002 by thread
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Is autobuilding kde packages broken in Unstable? Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: konqueror and CA-certificates Hendrik Sattler
command line MadCoder
URL pop up Michael Montagne
Adding new sessions to kdm login manager Chris Howells
Re: KDE3 alpha .debs around? Bjoern Krombholz
Refresh Rate Robert Tilley
How do get rid of the System Monitor applet in the panel Dirk Eddelbuettel
Re: KDE Chris Howells
KDE3 CVS compile problems in kdebase Albert Heijn
Debian KDE 2.2.2 update Chris Cheney
More maintainers for KDE? Rene Horn
Compiling KDE 2.1 on Potato Paolo Ulivi
KDE3 from CVS not recognising styles Giles Constant
launch apps on virtual desktops MadCoder
CPU Usage & Processes With KDE Robert Tilley
Addressbar in Konqueror has buggy layout Hendrik Sattler
KWeather not working... Darryl L. Pierce
€ symbol in kde applications Jean-Michel Kelbert
objprelink on woody Chris Howells
KDE 2.2.2 unable to view JPG, PNG Chris Goodwin
Re: portable mirror? Ron Johnson
KDE status update Chris Cheney
KWeather Users... Ben Burton
kghostview dependency problem and vi cursors still broken in woody Crispin Wellington
Kdevelop Marc Muller
Kmail issue/problem Dan DeVries
Kde Liquid Marc Muller
Re: Liquid v8.1 Chris Howells
X/KDE Font problem Daniel Haas
kdebase-libs2.2.2 breaks all regular user logins? John Gay
packaging kde-apps Hendrik Naumann
Debian KDE Status Update - 20020309 Chris Cheney
AA for KDE? John Gay
Konq Not Accepting Cookies Robert Tilley
Curious ktail crashes Michael Schuerig
All of a sudden only five fonts available Dirk Eddelbuettel
KMail crashes with large number of message recipients Chris
Two Kmail users in one X session Jarno Elonen
kdekillall command Rene Horn
mailto: in konqueror Tim Dijkstra
libusb Simon Hepburn
Debian KDE Status Update - 20020314 Chris Cheney
konqueror and flash plugin revisited Maryellen Gibson kf6kad
konqueror and flash plugin revisited pt2 Maryellen Gibson kf6kad
Knode will only start if I su to root Rachel Andrew
kde-i18n upload Colin Watson
Kde with obj prelink Jean-Michel Kelbert
KDE startup hangs and 'commits suicide' Steffen Evers
Kamera + USB permissions Jarno Elonen
subscribe Bdale Garbee
kdelibs3-bin broken ? Peter Soetens (Kaltan)
kmozilla? Radu Muschevici
scp (secure copy) and konqueror? Olaf Stetzer
starting windows without decoration wundersurf2000
assign icons to non-kde apps kiss the sun and walk on air
Problems with kdm Oliver Heins
location of kde:s configuration Otto Kekäläinen
AutoLogout Screen Saver Jay Kline
beta von ds9 + alpha von xpa Achim Bohnet
kio_fish Gregor Zeitlinger
Screensaver Timeout Suggestion - Comments ? Nick Boyce
confusing behavior from kwin on potato alice
kio_fish (another question) G. L. `Griz' Inabnit
kmail gettings slower and big cpu usage on exit Achim Bohnet
kde & update-alternatives Colin Andrews
Mosfet Liquid KDE Mark Lee
wmaker wxpaste and kde Andreas von Heydwolff
weird keygrabbing behavior with kwin/kde on laptop Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper
Remember Password? Nope Robert Tilley
Font size in khelpcenter? Andreas Goesele
korganizer file format Andreas Goesele
First time KDE "Wizard" themes and background Hugo van der Merwe
Enabling write in SMB-kioslave Jarno Elonen
kded accessing disk John Laur
debian/rules files appear in KDE cvs... Giles Constant
Fwd: [Kde-pim] Distro's & packagers: kdepim/kpilot broken David Bishop
Unidentified subject! Carlos Man
KPilot and theme questions Darryl L. Pierce
Debian packages of KDE themes? David Bell
cache konq Florian Struck
KDE 3.0rc3 Debs??? Robert Tilley
Re: Out of Office AutoReply: KDE 3.0rc3 Debs??? Chris Cheney
Upgraded to woody and printing from KDE stopped Gruetzner
Re: kde packages broken? Petter Reinholdtsen
Bastian Gläßer/PD/Kreditwerk ist außer Haus. Bastian Gläßer
making a file with root permissions Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
gnupg & kmail signing message Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
KDE or Qt frontend for Debconf Chris Howells
The last update was on 17:40 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 349 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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