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Re: #791857 ITP: daemonize -- tool to run a command as a daemon About Hypra project An abrupt End to Debian Live RE: Accepted node-leaflet-hash 0.2.1-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepting cloud enablement package updates into Stable Re: apt-get source linux behaves weird Automatically detecting package file conflicts without dependency conflicts? [ Distributions Devroom CFP] Bug#629015: ITA: zh-autoconvert -- Chinese encodings auto-converter Bug#707334: ITA: sampleicc -- ICC profiles i/o and manipulating library and CMM Bug#749647: Ping Re: Bug#790103: new default build flag from dpkg: -Wdate-time Re: Bug#799281: ITP: mailman3-core -- Mailing list management system Re: Bug#802595: ITP: node-defined -- return the first argument that is `!== undefined` Bug#803636: ITP: hsakmt -- thunk library for AMD's HSA Linux kernel driver (amdkfd) Bug#803648: ITP: ruby-delayer-deferred -- Ruby implementation of JSDeferred Bug#803651: ITP: ruby-pluggaloid -- Extensible plugin system for mikutter Bug#803653: ITP: ruby-instance-storage -- Ruby Library for managing class instances with dictionary Bug#803681: ITP: utf8proc -- C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data Bug#803688: ITP: opensmtpd-extras -- addons for the OpenSMTPD SMTP server Bug#803690: ITP: fonts-pompiere -- a playful script font Bug#803727: ITP: node-handlebars -- semantic templatating engine Bug#803733: ITP: etcdfs -- FUSE client for etcd Bug#803741: ITP: reproject -- Reproject astronomical images with Python Bug#803874: ITP: samplicator -- sending copies of UDP datagrams to multiple receivers Bug#803892: ITP: pandoc2rfc -- Use pandoc to create XML suitable for xml2rfc Bug#803903: ITP: golang-github-ghodss-yaml -- A better way to marshal and unmarshal YAML in Golang Bug#803905: ITP: golang-github-evanphx-json-patch -- A Go library to apply RFC6902 patches and create and apply RFC7386 patches Bug#803906: ITP: go-bindata-assetfs -- Serves embedded binary files with net/http Bug#803910: ITP: golang-github-dgrijalva-jwt-go -- Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Bug#803913: ITP: golang-github-daviddengcn-go-colortext -- Change the color of console text in Go Bug#803969: ITP: sonic-pi -- a new kind of musical instrument : teach programming and music Bug#803977: ITP: tlslite-ng -- Python SSL/TLS library Bug#803982: ITP: txwinrm - asynchronous Python WinRM client libraries and utilities Bug#803983: ITP: python-activipy -- implementation of ActivityStreams 2.0 for Python Bug#803988: ITP: osm-tile-server -- OpenStreetMap tile server Bug#804000: ITP: ros-catkin -- Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for Robot OS Bug#804003: ITP: ros-catkin-pkg -- Low-level build system macros for ROS -- Python module Bug#804004: ITP: ros-cmake-modules -- Repository for CMake Modules Bug#804005: ITP: ros-genmsg -- Standalone Python library for generating Robot OS message and service data Bug#804007: ITP: bcftools -- utilities for genomic variant calling and manipulating VCF and BCF files Bug#804011: ITP: airline -- Java annotation-based framework for parsing command line parameters Bug#804013: ITP: libmath-gsl-perl -- Interface to the GNU Scientific Library using SWIG Bug#804015: ITP: libmath-gsl-perl -- Interface to the GNU Scientific Library using SWIG Bug#804016: ITP: libpkgconfig-perl -- Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config Bug#804021: ITP: golang-speter-go-exp-math-dec-inf -- "infinite-precision" decimal arithmetic in Golang Bug#804023: ITP: golang-github-appc-spec -- App Container Specification (appc) Bug#804027: ITP: ros-message-generation -- Generates message binding dependencies for Robot OS packages Bug#804028: ITP: ros-message-runtime -- Modeling in run-time dependencies for generating messages Bug#804030: ITP: ros-roscpp-core -- development files for roscpp-core Bug#804037: ITP: ros-rviz -- 3D visualization tool for ROS. Bug#804043: ITP: naviserver -- Programmable web server written in C and Tcl Bug#804074: ITP: gadget2 -- Massively parallel code for hydrodynamical cosmological simulations Bug#804087: ITP: ruby-svn2git -- Ruby tool for importing existing svn projects into git. Bug#804106: ITP: golang-github-codegangsta-negroni -- idiomatic HTTP Middleware for Golang Bug#804108: ITP: golang-github-coreos-pkg -- a collection of Go utility packages Bug#804121: ITP: golang-github-coreos-go-oidc -- Go libraries for implementing OIDC clients and servers Bug#804123: ITP: golang-github-beorn7-perks -- effective computation of things Bug#804125: ITP: golang-github-kr-pty -- PTY interface for Go Bug#804128: ITP: kolla -- containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds Bug#804143: ITP: live-support -- Live environment support Bug#804202: ITP: goss -- Quick and Easy server validation Bug#804203: ITP: golang-github-fatih-color -- Color package for Go (golang) Bug#804205: ITP: golang-github-mitchellh-go-ps -- Find, list, and inspect processes from Go (golang). Bug#804206: ITP: golang-github-mxk-go-flowrate -- Go package for limiting and monitoring data flow rate Bug#804216: ITP: r-cran-biasedurn -- GNU R Biased Urn model distributions Bug#804228: ITP: tryton-modules-sale-complaint -- Sale Complaint Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#804229: ITP: tryton-modules-sale-promotion -- Sale Promotion Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#804230: ITP: tryton-modules-account-stock-landed-cost -- Account Stock Landed Cost Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#804231: ITP: tryton-modules-account-stock-landed-cost-weight -- Account Stock Landed Cost Weight Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#804232: ITP: tryton-sao -- Web Client for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#804235: ITP: carla -- Audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, DSSI, LV2 and VST formats Bug#804258: ITP: igb -- dkms source for the igb network driver Bug#804301: ITP: bruteforce-luks -- Try to find the password of a LUKS encrypted volume Bug#804315: ITP: live-build-ng -- live image builder built on vmdebootstrap Bug#804315: Renaming package live-build-ng to live-wrapper Bug#804337: ITP: ruby-totoridipjp -- Ruby library for Web API Bug#804350: ITP: vizzini -- Kernel driver for Exar XR21V1414 USB UART Bug#804398: ITP: golang-xi2-x-xz -- native Golang xz decompression Bug#804402: ITP: golang-github-kylelemons-godebug -- debugging helper utilities for Go Bug#804405: ITP: acbuild -- utility to build and modify App Container Images Bug#804439: ITP: saws -- A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface Bug#804448: RFP: ruby-os -- gem for easy telling if you’re on windows or not Bug#804453: RFP: xul-ext-toggle-word-wrap -- Icedove extension to toggle word wrapping from menu Bug#804517: ITP: golang-github-rackspace-gophercloud -- Go SDK for OpenStack. Bug#804520: ITP: astroscrappy -- Optimized Cosmic Ray Annihilation in Python Bug#804621: ITP: liblightify -- library to control OSRAM LIGHTIFY products Bug#804646: ITP: partitionfinder -- programs for simultaneously choosing partitioning schemes and models of molecular evolution for sequence data. Bug#804649: ITP: astroml-addons -- Python Machine Learning library for astronomy (performance addons) Bug#804700: ITP: intel-cmt-cat -- Intel cache monitoring and allocation technology config tool Bug#804704: ITP: python-munch -- A dot-accessible dictionary similar to JavaScript objects Bug#804711: ITP: pd-puremapping -- Pd library for complex data mappings Bug#804712: ITP: pd-nusmuk -- a random collection of useful Pd objects Bug#804713: ITP: python-requestsexceptions -- Import exceptions from potentially bundled packages in requests Bug#804748: ITP: qchartjs -- QML bindings for Chart.js Bug#804847: ITP: drf-generators -- management command to generate DRF Serializers, Views, and URLs Bug#804946: ITP: webwork-pg -- Problem rendering engine for WeBWorK Bug#804951: ITP: lua-nginx-kafka -- Pure Lua Kafka producer for the nginx embedded Lua language Bug#804995: ITP: proteinortho -- Detection of (Co-)orthologs in large-scale protein analysis Bug#805035: ITP: pidgin-gpg -- OpenPGP plugin for Pidgin Bug#805054: ITP: teckit -- Encoding conversion tools for plain text files Bug#805089: ITP: s2n -- lightweight implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols Bug#805106: ITP: vsearch-data -- example data for vsearch tool for processing metagenomic sequences Re: Bug#805116: ITP: wifi-switcher Bug#805149: ITP: mediaconch -- implementation and policy checker, reporter and fixer for media files Bug#805153: ITP: libqes -- a next-gen sequencing format parsing and utility library for C Bug#805188: ITP: selektor -- Java based Tor exit node selector and traffic router Bug#805230: ITP: python-pymummer -- Python interface to MUMmer Bug#805255: ITP: golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey -- Go testing in browser Bug#805256: ITP: r-cran-jsonlite -- A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R Bug#805257: ITP: r-cran-aer -- Applied Econometrics with R Bug#805258: ITP: r-cran-geepack -- Generalized Estimating Equation Package for R Bug#805274: ITP: fuel-astute -- Deployment Orchestrator of Puppet via MCollective Bug#805278: ITP: heka -- Stream processing software system developed by Mozilla Bug#805290: ITP: libjs-requirejs-plugins -- small set of plugins for RequireJS Bug#805311: ITP: lua-unbound -- unbound binding for LUA Bug#805324: ITP: libntirpc -- transport-independent RPC library Bug#805331: ITP: ros-image-common -- Robot OS camera and image libraries Bug#805332: ITP: ros-laser-geometry -- Robot OS laser geometry package Bug#805333: ITP: ros-navigation-msgs -- Robot OS Map/Navigation messages Bug#805334: ITP: ros-pcl-conversions -- Robot OS library to convert from/to PCL data types Bug#805335: ITP: ros-pluginlib -- Robot OS library for plugins Bug#805336: ITP: ros-python-qt-binding -- Robot OS python bindings for QT Bug#805337: ITP: ros-random-numbers -- Robot OS random numbers package Bug#805338: ITP: ros-resource-retriever -- Robot OS resource_retriever library Bug#805339: ITP: ros-robot-model -- Robot OS model libraries and parsers Bug#805340: ITP: golang-github-natefinch-lumberjack -- Go package for writing logs to rolling files Bug#805350: ITP: golang-github-remyoudompheng-bigfft -- Golang big integer multiplication library Bug#805358: ITP: libjs-jsx-requirejs-plugin -- RequireJS plugin for JavaScript files containing JSX Bug#805364: ITP: libjs-backbone.routefilter -- wraps the backbone route callback Bug#805367: ITP: networking-l2gw -- Layer 2 network gateway extension for OpenStack Neutron Bug#805369: ITP: vmware-nsx -- VMware NSX SDN plugin for OpenStack Neutron Bug#805376: ITP: libjs-react -- JavaScript library for building user interfaces Bug#805381: ITP: libejml-java -- Efficient Java Matrix Library Bug#805423: ITP: golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter -- generate ASCII tables in Golang Bug#805429: ITP: golang-gopkg-bufio.v1 -- buffered I/O in Golang Bug#805433: ITP: golang-gopkg-ini.v1 -- INI file read and write functionality in Go Bug#805443: ITP: lua-nginx-cookie -- Pure Lua cookie parser for the nginx embedded Lua language Bug#805450: ITP: golang-github-cznic-mathutil -- extensions to the Golang "rand" and "math" packages Bug#805479: ITP: networking-ovs-dpdk -- OpenStack virtual network service - Open vSwitch DPDK ML2 mechanism driver Bug#805484: ITP: pd-extendedview -- Pure Data abstractions for panoramic image creation and projection mapping with Gem Bug#805485: ITP: pd-gil -- Geometry Interaction Library for Pure Data / Gem Bug#805486: ITP: pd-kollabs -- data management and state saving for Pure Data Bug#805515: ITP: libfunction-fallback-coreorpp-perl -- Functions that use non-core XS module but provide pure-Perl/core fallback Bug#805516: ITP: libversion-util-perl -- Perl module that provides version-number utilities Bug#805529: ITP: fastml -- maximum likelihood ancestral amino-acid sequence reconstruction Bug#805543: ITP: ruby-simple-form -- library to simplify the creation of forms in Rails applications Bug#805603: ITP: lua-nginx-string -- String utilities and common hash functions for the nginx embedded Lua language Bug#805606: ITP: lua-nginx-dns -- DNS resolver for the nginx embedded Lua language Bug#805607: ITP: piler -- genomic repeat analysis Bug#805626: ITP: libxml-parser-easytree-perl -- Easier tree style for XML::Parser Bug#805636: ITP: mate-user-guide -- User Documentation for MATE Desktop Environment Bug#805644: ITP: tryton-modules-customs -- Customs Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#805651: ITA: avrdude -- software for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers Bug#805693: ITP: codonw -- Correspondence Analysis of Codon Usage Bug#805714: ITP: taskw -- Python API for the taskwarrior DB Bug#805728: ITP: pcre2 -- New Perl Compatible Regular Expression Library Bug#805743: ITP: pyconfigure -- automatic configure script builder for Python software Bug#805754: ITP: ensembl-tools -- Ensembl tools for genomic data processing Bug#805764: ITP: libarray-utils-perl -- Small utils for array manipulation Bug#805816: ITP: sklearn-pandas -- Pandas integration with sklearn Bug#805853: ITP: photutils -- Astropy affiliated package for image photometry Bug#805882: ITP: python-pgspecial -- Meta-commands handler for Postgres Database Bug#805909: ITP: maven-deploy-plugin -- Maven Deploy plugin Bug#805921: ITP: pixeldungeon -- Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics Bug#805925: ITP: shatteredpixeldungeon -- A mod of Pixel Dungeon with many improvements Bug#805936: ITP: libaec -- Adaptive Entropy Coding library Bug#805979: ITP: bit-babbler -- BitBabbler hardware random number generator and kernel entropy source support Bug#806143: ITP: libregexp-stringify-perl -- Perl module to stringify a Regexp object Bug#806211: ITP: python-gnocchiclient -- bindings to the OpenStack Gnocchi API Bug#806278: ITP: ros-geometry-experimental -- Robot OS tf2 transform library Bug#806279: ITP: ros-interactive-markers -- Robot OS interactive_markers package Bug#806280: ITP: ros-metapackages -- Robot OS core metapackages Bug#806281: ITP: ros-nodelet-core -- Robot OS nodelet library Bug#806282: ITP: ros-pcl-msgs -- C/C++ headers for PCL-related ROS Messages Bug#806286: ITP: libgoogle-truth-java -- Assertion/Proposition framework for Java unit tests Bug#806318: ITP: fonts-firacode -- monospaced font with programming ligatures Bug#806327: ITP: libdata-dmp-perl -- Perl module that dump Perl data structures as Perl code Bug#806429: ITP: python-requestsexceptions -- import exceptions from bundled packages in requests Bug#806439: ITP: sqlacodegen -- Automatic model code generator for SQLAlchemy Bug#806484: ITP: packetbeat -- real-time network packet analyzer and logger Bug#806495: ITP: cgview -- Circular Genome Viewer Bug#806503: ITP: mutatormath -- calculation of piecewise linear interpolations in n-dimensions with masters Bug#806512: ITP: robofab -- library with objects deal with data associated with fonts and type design Bug#806513: ITP: defcon -- set of UFO based objects for use in font editing applications Bug#806514: ITP: fontmath -- collection of objects that implement fast font, glyph, etc. Bug#806515: ITP: pyclipper -- Cython wrapper for the C++ translation of the Angus Johnson's Clipper library Bug#806516: ITP: booleanoperations -- Boolean operations on paths Bug#806539: ITP: libdata-dump-oneline-perl -- Perl module that dumps data structures as single-line strings Bug#806582: ITP: libosmo-abis -- Library containing shared code regarding the A-bis interface between GSM BTS and GSM BSC Bug#806583: ITP: openbsc -- GSM Base Station Controller (BSC) and minimalistic GSM network implementation Bug#806584: ITP: osmo-bts -- Layer2/3 of a GSM Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Bug#806585: ITP: libosmo-netif -- Shared code regarding network interfaces for OpenBSC Bug#806590: ITP: bumpversion -- Version-bump your software with a single command Bug#806678: ITP: lazy-object-proxy -- Python fast and thorough lazy object proxy Bug#806694: ITP: spectutils -- Base classes and utilities for astronomical spectra in Python Bug#806716: ITP: python-jellyfish -- Python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings Bug#806726: ITP: gubbins -- phylogenetic analysis of genome sequences Bug#806748: ITP: fgallery -- static HTML+JavaScript photo album generator Bug#806750: ITP: anki-sync-server -- a personal synchronisation server for Anki (a flashcard learning program) Re: certificate creation in postinst, potentially using letsencrypt script Config upgrade with cme (was Re: (newbie) Disruptive LIRC package update.) Copyright file granularity copyright files can be generated by cme (was Re: Copyright file granularity) Re: Debian is not welcome on Microsoft Azure Re: RTC: announcing XMPP, SIP presence and more XMPP - testing welcome Decreasing packaging overhead dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique versus varying wording of the BSD-3-clause license Re: [DH] Planning to remove deprecated commands and compat levels in debhelper django-ajax-selects lintian errors/warnings git, debian/<version> tags, dgit - namespace proposal Re: git, debian/<version> tags, dgit - namespace proposal [and 1 more messages] Re: git, debian/<version> tags, dgit - namespace proposal [and 1 more messages] [and 1 more messages] [HEADSUP] dropping xconsole support from default rsyslog configuration Heads up: New -Wdate-time in default dpkg-buildflags output how to respect licensing for derived installer images? IceCat package request Re: Ideas to improve dpkg/ucf with hooks Ideas to improve dpkg/ucf with hooks [was: Putting default config files in /usr] ITP: libsoc -- C library to interface with common peripherals (gpio, i2c, spi, pwm) ITP: libvecpf -- Vector Printf Library Re: Re: localhost.localdomain Mass bug filing: dpkg-buildpackage -A Migrating from fonts-droid to fonts-noto (newbie) Disruptive LIRC package update. new default build flag from dpkg: -Wdate-time Fwd: [Patch] Shall we update CUDA to 7.0.28 ? (#783770) Re: PCRE package naming Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Migrating from fonts-droid to fonts-noto Re: [Pkg-netatalk-devel] Bug#685878: Another year has passed, still no netatalk3 Re: ppp plugins and dependencies Problems changing default chmod of /dev/pts/* Putting default config files in /usr [was; (newbie) Disruptive LIRC package update.] [ outrageous, thievery] The sixth field (fs_passno) should be zero Re: Suggestion for the DontBreakDebian wiki page section "Dont 'make install'" vim plugin dependency and libruby Which pseudo-package do ARM netboot image slices belong to? Work-needing packages report for Nov 13, 2015 Work-needing packages report for Nov 20, 2015 Work-needing packages report for Nov 27, 2015 Work-needing packages report for Nov 6, 2015 The last update was on 13:41 GMT Wed May 01. There are 483 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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