debconf-team Apr 2013 by author

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Luis Alejandro Martínez Faneyth

Raphaël Walther

Ana Guerrero

Andreas Tille

Arne Wichmann

Brian Gupta

Christian PERRIER

Daniel Kahn Gillmor

Daniel Pocock

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud

Gaudenz Steinlin

Giacomo Catenazzi

Guido Trotter

Gunnar Wolf

Henning Sprang

Holger Levsen

Jimmy Kaplowitz

Joerg Jaspert

Lucas Nussbaum

Michele Cane

Moray Allan

Patty Langasek

Paul Wise

Philip Hands

Philipp Hug

Philipp Kern

Raphael Hertzog

Richard Darst

Stefano Zacchiroli

Steve Langasek

The last update was on 00:55 GMT Sat Jun 08. There are 141 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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