Re: [Debconf-team] Cloud Track dijo [Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 02:41:45PM -0400]:
> I was curious if there is going to be a cloud track at the upcoming
> Debconf. With OpenStack packages already in Debian, Eucalyputs packages in
> unstable, and growing interest in providing Debian images for public
> clouds, it seems a logical step to take.
> If there isn't one already, I'd be happy to volunteer in organizing the
> talks for it.
Hi Brian,
We had not yet formed the academic committee (or talks rating and
scheduling team, or whatever you want to call it as it does not yet
exist ;-) )
I have been part of that team for the past several years and intend to
do it again this time. And yes, signing you up as a track coordinator! :)
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