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Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 - DebCamp

On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 09:01:15AM +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> > Do we still want a DebCamp at Le Camp in Switzerland in 2013?
> I'm in favor of extending the conference with some form of DebCamp.

FWIW, I'm too. I think that a DebCamp, even if it is shorter than a full
extra week, would be a vary valuable addition to DebConf13. If you can
draft a budget including that option shortly (something which, as
Gaudenz mentioned, is entangled with other related decisions), I'll be
happy to give you quick feedback about it.

Stefano Zacchiroli  . . . . . . .  zack@upsilon.cc . . . . o . . . o . o
Maître de conférences . . . . . http://upsilon.cc/zack . . . o . . . o o
Debian Project Leader . . . . . . @zack on identi.ca . . o o o . . . o .
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