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Re: [Debconf-team] Conference bag proposal

Arne Wichmann dijo [Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:28:14AM +0200]:
> > Ok, there are voices against putting only a DC13 logo and a small comany
> > logo on the bags.
> > 
> > So the options are:
> > - Bags with many logos incl company logo (if they are willing to do this)
> >   Many logos means all Gold sponsors and up
> > - No bags from this source
> > 
> > Is there any voice against any of the other options?
> > 
> > Does anybody want to have a longer discussion on the controversial option?
> > 
> > If not, I would try to implement the first, and failing that, the second.
> I have now discussed with the sponsor, and they would be ok with a small
> number of sponsors on the bag (platinum and gold) and their own of
> course.
> So, if there is no voice against this I would create a bag design together
> with them and go on with the first option.

Ok - Just one more request from me: Make it clear that they are not
sponsoring at the same level as the platinum / gold ones. Maybe have
everything Debconfy on one side, and everything about them on the other?

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