Re: [Debconf-team] Accomodation - Room capacity limits
Gaudenz Steinlin dijo [Fri, Apr 05, 2013 at 11:13:07PM +0200]:
> > A person's tolerance for additional roommates follows a logarithmic curve,
> > not a linear one, and each person has their own multipliers. One person
> > will be uncomfortable with but accept three roommates, but will consider
> > five roommates unacceptable; another person will be ok sharing a sleeping
> > space with 12 people, in which case it's very unlikely they will object to
> > sharing a space with 13 (or 14, or 16) people.
> IMO you are focusing too much on the number of roommates. Other factors
> influence the quality of the rooms as well. The 5-8 person rooms with
> bedding still provide much more space per person in a more modern room.
> To get a fell of the rooms, see the pictures [1] [2].
Right, the quality difference of the rooms is quite large.
> > - The attendees who are willing to accept communal accomodations at all are
> > not going to be bothered by having only a small amount of personal
> > space. Underselling the communal rooms reduces the capacity for the
> > conference but brings only a marginal comfort benefit.
> I disagree here. At least for me personally it would be quite a hughe
> difference if I'm in one of the big rooms fully packed or with 1/3 empty
> beds. So underusing the communal rooms IMO makes quite a difference.
Completely with Gaudenz. I am almost sure I will go for "communal
accomodations". But, given that the rooms have no place (or I saw
none) for the bags, and that the beds are effectively one long
mattress, I completely agree that declaring ⅓ of the sleeping place
the place where you put your stuff (that both serves as a place for
our stuff and as a barrier not to roll over and end up hugging others)
seems like an important thing to preserve.
> > - The distribution of attendee preferences *may* mean that it's better to
> > undersell the medium-sized rooms (to make them small-occupancy rooms,
> > with a max of 4 people each). But we can't know *for sure* if this is
> > true until after we've collected the registration data, and then only if
> > we make sure we ask this question.
> At least for the rooms with bedding, that all provide much more comfort,
> I thik it's an unwise use of the space to not fill these rooms.
Right. It might be below the comfort level some people want, but I
think that the rooms shown in the photos give a perfectly enough
comfort level. Those are (relatively) scarce spaces, and even though
they might end up in the paid group, we should try to fill them. If we
end up with space to spare an empty bed or two in those rooms,
fine. But the situation is completely different WRT that of the
truly-communal spaces.
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