[Debconf-team] Separate room for families
[ Please keep me in cc, I'm not on debconf-team ]
I want to attend debconf this year but I will come with my wife and my two
children (the oldest will be 3.5 years in August, and the youngest
will be 5 months).
I want to make arrangements for hosting ASAP. I have found studios in
cities near Vaumarcus but it would be better if we could be hosted in
Le Camp directly.
The thing is that if I apply for a 3 or 4-bed room, and if I'm denied
such a room in a month or more, the studio might be gone... so is it
possible for you to decide quickly or should I better go with what I found
outside of Le Camp?
To be more precise, I would apply for one-sponsored attendee (me), two
non-sponsored attendees (my wife and my oldest son) and nothing for my
youngest son, as he only drinks milk and we could bring a folding bed.
On https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Pricing I see "nordique rooms
with 3-4 persons" that could be perfect but it's written "n/a" for
non-sponsored attendees... so is it out of question to get such a room
for a family mixing sponsored and non-sponsored attendees?
Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Writer/Consultant ◈ Debian Developer
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