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Re: [Debconf-team] Conference bag proposal

begin  quotation  from Arne Wichmann (in <[🔎] 20130408205203.GA11356@anhrefn.saar.de>):
> [2 more mails agreeing to this snipped]
> Ok, there are voices against putting only a DC13 logo and a small comany
> logo on the bags.
> So the options are:
> - Bags with many logos incl company logo (if they are willing to do this)
>   Many logos means all Gold sponsors and up
> - No bags from this source
> Is there any voice against any of the other options?
> Does anybody want to have a longer discussion on the controversial option?
> If not, I would try to implement the first, and failing that, the second.

I have now discussed with the sponsor, and they would be ok with a small
number of sponsors on the bag (platinum and gold) and their own of

So, if there is no voice against this I would create a bag design together
with them and go on with the first option.


[...] If you don't want to be restricted, don't agree to it. If you are
coerced, comply as much as you must to protect yourself, just don't support
it. Noone can free you but yourself. (crag, on Debian Planet)
Arne Wichmann (aw@linux.de)

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