Re: [Debconf-team] Separate room for families
Ana Guerrero dijo [Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:42:13PM +0200]:
> Out of curiosity, what do you understand for a family here? I have
> discovered recently that the definition of a family varies widely
> and for some, the concept of family must include children.
> For others, like me, 2 persons who share their live together are
> already a family.
> In previous years, DebConf welcomed families (as in 2 persons) without
> problems, if this year you are not going to guarantee lodging for developers
> taking family members until later, this should be clear in registration
> to avoid people making plans in this regard.
Hi Ana,
In this case, I was thinking of "family" as the definition that
Raphael presented: A young couple and two small children. There are
many other cases of families that regularly attend DebConf which would
fit in your description (mine, at least — My wife has attended DC11
and DC12 with me, although she is not attending DC13, in no small part
because it is not a setting where her private space expectations can
be met).
But of course, couples are a very different topic. Often, couples
where one of the members is not involved in Debian, the not-involved
person ends up volunteering for various tasks. So, yes, we can clearly
provide space IMO to them (but, of course, if the couple were to
request a private space, it would have to be with the corresponding
payment, as to our current accomodation scheme). Of course, this same
scenario prevails WRT couples where both are Debian-active.
But back to the rationale of my answer to Raphael: *If* we are to have
a shortage of small-scale (≤4 people) rooms, I would prioritize
granting those spaces to Debian-active people to accompanying family
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