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Re: [Debconf-team] {Disarmed} CERN & DebConf13?


On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 07:11:04AM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Philip Hands (phil@hands.com):
> > It would be very cool if we could develop links to try and get GRID to
> > be more easily served by Debian servers.  I get the impression that
> > Scientific Linux is generally used, and am told that it makes the whole
> > thing more painful than it needs to be.
> As someone who maintains a full distro on top of CentOS for a big
> bunch of scientific workstations, all I can do is agree to this.
> There are unfortunalty tons of reasons (mostly bad ones, but not under
> my control) for which we are *not* using Debian (like Joss does at
> EDF) but I can definitely tell that one can measure how well Debian
> fits the needs for scientific machines.....when one tries to do the
> same on top or rpm-based hell (including Scientific Linux).
> So, I'm definitely convinced the proposal is good for developing
> links, yes.


However, I doubt that this is a DebConf daytrip issue.

Last year I really enjoyed the workshop at ESRF in Grenoble and this
kind of events does fit way better than "a bunch of DebConf attendees
watching large tubes and coils of LHC".

Kind regards


[1] http://www.esrf.eu/events/conferences/debian-for-scientific-facilities-days-1 


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