Re: [Debconf-team] make bed selection a lottery
Hi Holger,
Le lundi, 8 avril 2013 14.53:03, Holger Levsen a écrit :
> instead of turning DebConf13 into a travel agency which will have to manage
> requests, demands and complaints (even more than we already have to deal
> with every year) and giving richer people an opportunity to buy their beds
> of choice and forcing poorer people into left-over beds, I suggest a
> completly different protocol:
> Do a lottery. announce it as a lottery and do such.
I (personally) would rather try to implement a minimal-but-fair travel agency
than walking down that clownery route.
> I'm sorry to not have come up with a more solid proposal about this yet, but
> I think its a good start and definitly better then making an already quite-
> money-centric debconf even more money-centric. We are divided by money all
> the time, and even more, while doing DebConf in Switzerland. The pricing-
> room-proposal will widen this gap even more, while this lottery proposal
> aims at lessing this gap a little bit at least.
I do agree that leaning towards more money-centric DebConfs is a worrying
move, as much as I agree that money can divide us. But enforcing a lottery-
style room allocation will IMHO lead to more frustration than a money-based
allocation. And I want happy attendees, not frustrated ones.
P.S. I and initially thought [0] that a perfect DebConf would offer
accomodation and food to "everyone". But numbers showed me that past DebConfs
had less than 50% of the registrations requesting for sponsored accomodation
and food. So half of the attendees have in the past been ready and willing to
cover their accomodation and food costs, that has to be taken into account
[0] <>
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