Re: [Debconf-team] Separate room for families
Raphael Hertzog dijo [Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 03:06:53PM +0200]:
> [ Please keep me in cc, I'm not on debconf-team ]
As you command ;-)
> Hello,
Hi Raphael,
> I want to attend debconf this year but I will come with my wife and my two
> children (the oldest will be 3.5 years in August, and the youngest
> will be 5 months).
> I want to make arrangements for hosting ASAP. I have found studios in
> cities near Vaumarcus but it would be better if we could be hosted in
> Le Camp directly.
> The thing is that if I apply for a 3 or 4-bed room, and if I'm denied
> such a room in a month or more, the studio might be gone... so is it
> possible for you to decide quickly or should I better go with what I found
> outside of Le Camp?
> To be more precise, I would apply for one-sponsored attendee (me), two
> non-sponsored attendees (my wife and my oldest son) and nothing for my
> youngest son, as he only drinks milk and we could bring a folding bed.
> (...)
I did some quick asking at #debconf-team. The reality is, we don't
have a clear answer for you. *My* (and please, stress on it being
*me*, as others have said otherwise) feeling is that, to have a proper
family comfort setting (i.e. a private bathroom), you will be much
better off if you are hosted at a Vaumarcus studio. I don't know how
would the cost difference be.
But my main issue WRT hosting families is that... We don't yet know
how full will DebConf be, or how Debian people will be
distributed. Keep in mind we have relatively few such rooms - And, of
course, we should try to prioritize filling those rooms with Debian
people who are concerned about not getting their base level of comfort
to sleep well during a week of hard work.
So, we don't know yet how full will Le Camp be during DebConf, and we
also don't know how full will that "room category" be. It might turn
out that we end up with enough room to host you and your family - but
that's not yet something we can take for granted.
In short, if I were you, I'd look into the Vaumarcus studio options.
Of course, others are welcome to comment, and to dissent with me. And
you as well, of course.
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