[Debconf-team] f2f meeting 2013-04-25 minutes
The minutes from our last f2f meeting are now in the wiki:
Please don't for get your TODO's:
* gaudenz:
- move the two existing questions from Registration to
"Sponsored accomodation survey" in Penta (done)
- initiate bar team consisting of Michele, Michael and Benedikt (done)
- ask Gannef to add Y_Plentyn and Alfu to registration@
- do a "geoplaning" proposal (which rooms to use for what exactly)
* OdyX:
- send a short mail to debconf-team with all public information
for the registration opening for one-day review
- send Lotterie Romande dossier to sponsors team for review (done)
- make proposal for Daytrip together with Arne and Alfu
- contact Leandro for t-shirt designs
* hug: ask Le Camp for an offer for DebCamp
* XTaran:
- ask LUGS for sponsorship
* Gismo:
- ask Debian consultants (at least from CH) for sponsorship
- work with rafw on a DebianDay plan
* rafw:
- work with gismo on a DebianDay plan
* Arne:
- Follow up with the bag proposal
- make proposal for Daytrip together with OdyX and Alfu
* Alfu:
- make proposal for Daytrip together with OdyX and Arne
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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