On 17.04.2013 12:42, Ana Guerrero wrote:
Out of curiosity, what do you understand for a family here? I have discovered recently that the definition of a family varies widely and for some, the concept of family must include children. For others, like me, 2 persons who share their live together are already a family. In previous years, DebConf welcomed families (as in 2 persons) without problems, if this year you are not going to guarantee lodging for developers taking family members until later, this should be clear in registration to avoid people making plans in this regard.
Hello Ana,I think that "families" in this context means: "developers with accompanying person(s)" (where "accompanying" not in "developer").
There was a heated discussion about what to answer in the previous mail: should we privilege developers on the limited number of small rooms, or should we be inclusive?
As background: since months there are big discussions about the big rooms: Much worries that many developers will not attend DebConf if the only option is a big room.
Returning to the real case: the questioner had an alternate sleeping option, so the discussion ended slightly in favor of the first view of DebConf (privilege the developers).
But we are in the -team mailing list, so other opinions and arguments in favor of one option or the other one are welcome. Maybe we missed some important arguments.
In other words: do you (= -team readers) think that most of the developers want small rooms? Should we privilege the number of developers?
My opinion: I'm more in the inclusive part. We talked in past also about a possible "kindergarten". Additionally I don't think we will have an a lot big DebConf (compared the previous years). OTOH I would not bet on the preferences of contributors about small/big rooms.
ciao cate