Re: [Debconf-team] Conference bag proposal
(reordering some bits of the mail, as I answer to two different ideas)
Patty Langasek dijo [Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 07:13:58AM -0700]:
> (...)
> > they are worth "nothing", from an organizer POV - we can do debconf pretty
> > well without them.
> (...)
> For the record, I don't like that suggestion; we've had nice bags several
> years, and they come in handy well after the conference is over. They're
> nice to have specifically at the venue, too. We have an option to get nice
> bags again this year, with little to no cost to the conference, and that
> should be a factor in how we acknowledge this sponsor.
I agree with you, as others have as well. We have always *tried* to
have good, useful bags. Sometimes we could not provide them, or have
provided them with differing quality, but having a bag is good and
> What you're suggesting is that high quality bags would just be high
> price-tagged swag, in which case, there should be no requirements placed on
> the donating company at all, just as we don't require other sponsors to
> print or limit what they distribute to attendees otherwise.
Of course. I would be OK with the suggestions that others have voiced
to have the bag not appear to be official from us, just
providing-sponsor-branded. But if we can have it with our information,
and we find a way where it does not cause conflicts with other
sponsors, all the better.
FWIW, I understand many people who don't like carrying
things-with-logos on them. I tend to like DebConf stuff to have
logos. I used i.e. my four DebConf10 bags until they wore off and got
completely useless, and several times used them (or the shirts, or
whatever) to show people how Debian is not a fringe project, but has
heavy sponsoring from top-tier companies.
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