Re: [Debconf-team] RFC: Opening Registration on Friday ?
Hi Didier and team
Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <> writes:
> Hi all,
> apparently most of us agrees that registration should be opened "soon" for
> some days now, but it needs someone to actually do it. This mail intends to
> list what "opening registration" actually means and tries to propose a way
> forward. Please rise your eventual concerns _now_ so that I [0] could take the
> needed steps no later than on Friday 3. May.
> [0] It needs to be done, so if one wants the steps to be taken by anyone else,
> I will happily step back and won't stand in the way…
> = Announcement mail and blogpost
> There's been quite some online and offline debate on whether a verbose and
> long announcement mail would be preferable to a short and concise one. Both
> would in any case point to the registration documentation (see below).
> Both versions are attached. Along with the majority of the crowd present in
> last week's face-to-face meeting, I'm in favour of the short version because I
> think the long one is less likely to be read in entirety, while we want people
> to read to the registration documentation anyway. Also the long version
> apparently has some subtle differences with the actual state of the
> documentation. But I don't care enough to fight for that view.
> I also intend to send a blogpost with exactly the same content (just HTML-
> formatted) of the announcement mail; this will give more exposure to the
> announcement.
I'm also slightly in favor of the shorter version. But especially if
people with previous experience with this suggest to send the longer
version I'm fine with that too.
If we use the longer version I would prefer to use the text on instead. Otherwise
we should check for differences before sending out the announcment.
> = Penta
> As far as I've understood from the (few) discussions on-list and the (lots of)
> discussion on IRC, most of the debatable points [1] of the Penta
> implementation are solved (but I might be mistaken). Please go on the penta
> page [2] to make sure it is Okay. Please send the (hopefully minor) remaining
> change requests to the list and list them on the changes wiki page.
> [1]
> [2]
> = Registration documentation
> Along with the majority of the crowd present in last week's face-to-face
> meeting, I also think it would be "better" to have the registration
> documentation pushed to the website (as /frozen/ HTML instead of as /world-
> editable/ wiki) but as this can be quite time-consuming, I don't intend to
> block registration on this. I intend to give it a try though.
> Please comment on the actual state of the Registration documentation [3] by
> answering on-list; that's what I would put as register.xhtml on the
> website.
I think the documentation is fine now. I just moved the first two
paragraphs (about how to register in penta) to the end and removed some
redundancy. There were two paragraphs labeled "Registration". I renamed
the one about penta to "How to register". The rational for this is to
encourage people to first read or at least skim over the wiki page
before jumping straight to penta. But if other think this is a bad idea,
please just revert my edit.
> A secondary document of interest is the "Travel arrangements" documentation
> [4] which would also be better hosted on the website in a shorter and "team-
> blessed" fashion.
I also went over this page and made some corrections and additions. I
hope it's now easier to understand and see the relevant parts. But it
would certainly benefit from review by a native english speaker.
> [3]
> [4]
> Are there other pages that would be good on the website? In particular, which
> of the ones linked from [5] need to be updated before opening registrations?
> [5]
> = Varia
> Is there something else missing for opening the registrations?
I don't see anything missing anymore.
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~ Samuel Beckett ~
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