Re: [Debconf-team] Conference bag proposal
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Patty Langasek <> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:30:31AM -0400, Brian Gupta wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Patty Langasek <> wrote:
>> > Did we find out how much those bags would be "worth", and thus include that
>> > in our estimations of their sponsorship? It could be that the donations of
>> > the bags will put them into the higher categories, at which point they most
>> > certainly SHOULD have a logo on the bags.
>> Just doing some ballpark numbers, I'd be shocked if the bags are of
>> high enough/cost value to have this qualify as a Gold level
>> sponsorship.
> Right, but it was my understanding that the company in question was also
> donating funds as well as the bags.
If I recall the monetary sponsorship was bronze level. So the bags
would have to be worth CHF 8k.
> And this doesn't really answer my question of the "worth" of the bags; how
> much is it costing to provide 200+ high quality bags for the conference,
> between materials, printing and other service costs? And, with our current
> timeline, do we have to worry about how quickly they'd be produced?
Agreed. When I looked online, the best estimate I could come up with
for the costs of producing these bags was in the CHF 4-8 CHF range.
Assuming ~300 bags and CHF 8 costs per bag, that's about CHF 2400,
which would put it well short of Gold. (CHF 12000)
I proposed the text I wrote, as the most expedient way I could think
of to proceed. (As opposed to asking for and waiting for all Gold+
sponsors to sign off.)
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Patty Langasek
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
> sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
> there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
> passion takes you.
> --- J. Michael Straczynski
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