debian-sparc Jul 2004 by thread
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- apache1.3.26 & php4 iago
- Java for Linux/Sparc? Ruben Navarro Huedo
- Cannot boot a Sparc Enterprise E250 with SMP Stephane Bortzmeyer
- [Slight OT]: Sparc64,32 cross-compiler on x86 - funny problem Richard Chan
- Sparcserver 10 install Paul Henry
- thrombosis Kristine Little
- What is best kernel/disto combination for SS20 SMP? Gary Parker
- Re: Bug#257833: Configuration for sparc64 not found Marco d'Itri
- Sparcstation 10 boot ? Sean Minotti
- Question on modules Jurzitza, Dieter
- Direct rendering: No Erwann Abalea
- sarge upgrade -> root mounts readonly Andy Tolonen
- how to boot Jurzitza, Dieter
- Sunblade 1500 and Sarge Installer ryan_terry
- Re: re SS5 newbie Christoph
- Re: silo 1.4.6 still has initrd loading problem (sparc64) Frederik Dannemare
- Issues with netboot for Sarge on Netra X1 Kenneth Lareau
- Question on sarge / X11 Jurzitza, Dieter
- Re: Information Mailbox
- <>Re: Mail Delivery (failure Spam Controller
- Re: Bug#258647: libc6-sparc64 has no reason to depend on lib64gcc1 GOTO Masanori
- CPU or memory problem Erwann Abalea
- Need Help Configuring IBM 73LZX on Ultra Sparc 60 Chuck Brown
- tftp boot images question Hartwig Atrops
- Ultra10 IDE and Sarge Install debian-sparc
- Debian on SparcStation 20 Kelly Harding
- Sound + Ultra10 Ruben Navarro Huedo
- X on SS20 Torbjörn Olander
- off ipx with hme Attila Szabo
- U2 2x300 no/false keyboard after 2.6.6 Thorsten Richter
- ping server debian user
- Envctrl for E450 (that old issue again...) Peter Bivesand
- woody to sarge Enrique Morfin
- [DEBIAN-EXPERIMENTAL] Accepted kaffe 2:1.1.4.PRECVS-1 (powerpc all source) Arnaud Vandyck
- Trouble with upgrade to unstable on SS20 SMP James Nelson
- sunffb / SARGE Jurzitza, Dieter
- SunBlade 2000 fails to netboot Kent West
- Re: Upgrading openboot Lee Philpot
- Boost your pay cheque Joey Ivey
- Recent dist-upgrade (in testing) broke /etc/init.d/ or /etc/fstab Richard Jones
- Re: [newbie] Installation problems Nick [Stone]
- X11 on U60 Jurzitza, Dieter
- NFS problem Michael Rex
- I can consistently freeze a SunBlade 2000 Kent West
- unsubscribe Adam Henson
- For The Girl Who Has Everything cf Janette Barber
- Request for d-i Alfredo Sola
- Installing debian in a sunblade100: partitioning Mauricio
- For your information Jurzitza, Dieter
- Debian Boot issue Kathleen McGarvey
- sh-2021 reiserfs error w/ disk1 of sarge install Fletcher Bonds
- Debian Installer Issues Kathleen McGarvey
- Réponse automatique d'absence du bureau : Mail Delivery (failure BARRAQUIER Frederic
- break signal (stop-a) doesn't work maccorin
- - IT Recruiter - IT jobseeker specific registration.
- Question, propably off-topic Jurzitza, Dieter
- [MailServer Notification] Attention ! Virus detecté ! System Attendant
- Modération de votre message SYMPA
- New procps, may break Craig Small
- Racket Records Catalogue racket-info
- Ultra 10 + KDE + Sound Ruben Navarro Huedo
- MMS Notification Mail Delivery (failure MMS通知
- Question on NIC Jurzitza, Dieter
- FW: Bug#245246 xserver-xfree / sunffb - problems Jurzitza, Dieter
- FWD: Deadra Kellye
The last update was on 07:11 GMT Fri Jun 21. There are 182 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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