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Re: Debian on SparcStation 20

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, Everard Brown wrote:

> On Tuesday 13 Jul 2004 21:07, Kelly Harding wrote:
> If you're in or around North or West London, I have a spare keyboard and a vga 
> adaptor that you can borrow. I also have spare (RAM/Disk-less) SS10 & SS20 
> boxes which may or may not have some parts you could use.

Thanks for that offer. Appreciated. Unfortuately I live up in the 

> I got 3 SS20s is running from network installations both Debian and RedHat 
> (Debian is better) - no problems once you get the tftp daemon working 
> correctly.

Should it be fairly straightforward once the tftp daemon is set up and 
running and the SS20 has found it/booted from it?

I'm kinda assuming that once I get Debian installed on it it'll be pretty 
much like Debian is on my x86 boxes. Is that the case? or are there any 
special 'gotchas' with Sparcs?

> If you have any problems, I've probably had it before and solved it.
> Let me know if I can help.

Thanks :)

If I run into any problems I'll drop you an email.

Very much appreciated.


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