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FW: Bug#245246 xserver-xfree / sunffb - problems

Sorry, I had had the wrong address for the debian-sparc mailing list!

Dieter Jurzitza

-----Original Message-----
From: Jurzitza, Dieter 
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 3:31 PM
To: 'debian-sparc@debian.lists.org'; 'branden@debian.org'
Subject: Bug#245246 xserver-xfree / sunffb - problems

Dear listmembers,
dear Branden,
This report refers to the not starting x-server on Elite-3D cards.
Let me point out some remarks on Mr. Friedrichs findings:

1.) apart from using /dev/fb0 rather than /dev/fd0 (typo) the solution suggested by Mr. Friedrich really helps.

2.) how comes that the old drivers from SuSE and Debian both work, however do not have acceleration and therefore are awfully slow? I think it would be fantastic if the version without the ucode would run even though slow.

3.) wouldn't it be possible to integrate the afbinit.deb into Sarge? A apt-file find afbinit leads to several files, however, dpkg -S afbinit results in nothing.

4.) integrating afbinit.deb (I downloaded somewhere from another debian distribution) and adding softlinks (I simply added S80afbinit by ln -s ../init.d/afbinit S80afbinit) would be the perfect solution without doing any harm (hopefully)

5.) wouldn't it be possible to keep the afb.ucode somewhere on a debian mirror or even within sarge as /usr/lib/afb.ucode? Or is this forbidden through Sun's licensing policy?

It would be wonderful to put some part of this information on the Debian / Ports information page (there are references on X11 problems, but this one does not occur)

Finally: when running in such a loop, it would be helpful to have one runlevel at least not automatically starting X11 (as most other distributions do). Keep runlevel 2 for kde and maybe runlevel 3 for terminal operation. This would make live easier if you get into the endless loop caused by the X-sever failing every other time.

Many thanks for your ongoing work on both Debian and Sparc - I appreciate it.
Take care

Dieter Jurzitza



Dr.-Ing. Dieter Jurzitza
Manager Hardware Systems

Industriegebiet Ittersbach
Becker-Göring Str. 16
D-76307 Karlsbad / Germany

Phone: +49 (0)7248 71-1577
Fax:   +49 (0)7248 71-1216
eMail: DJurzitza@harmanbecker.com
Internet: http://www.becker.de

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