RE: What is best kernel/disto combination for SS20 SMP?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan-Benedict Glaw []
> Sent: 07 July 2004 12:29
> To: Gary Parker
> Subject: Re: What is best kernel/disto combination for SS20 SMP?
> >
> > Just a thought, but do people think it would be worthwhile getting
> > some note about the instability of HyperSPARCs, wrt recent kernels,
> > put into the Linux SMP Howto and the FAQ on
> Maybe... However, most people using sparc32 either follow
> kernel development (so they know all the facts), or read the archives.
Well I guess I'm just a dumb-ass, then...but a dumbass who's looking out to
help other dumbasses not make the same mistake I did.
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