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Re: What is best kernel/disto combination for SS20 SMP?

Why wouldn't they? Don't all CPUs labeled as "SPARC" have to meet the
SPARC specifications?

On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, David Johnson wrote:

> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 17:14:45 +0100
> From: David Johnson <dj@david-web.co.uk>
> Reply-To: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
> To: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: What is best kernel/disto combination for SS20 SMP?
> Resent-Date: Mon,  5 Jul 2004 11:14:55 -0500 (CDT)
> Resent-From: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
> On Monday 05 Jul 2004 16:12, Gary Parker wrote:
> > Hi all, I've been successfully running a stock Woody install on an SS5
> > 70MHz/128MB for a year or so now as my home firewall/router/mail server but
> > felt I'd outgrown it's limited processing power (wanting to do more with
> > it) and recently treated myself to a SPARCstation 20 with 2x150Mhz Ross
> > CPUs and 256MB RAM as an upgrade from eBay.
> > So, what would people consider to be the best balance of up-to-date, yet
> > stable, kernel and distribution for this machine?
> >
> As far as I'm aware, no kernel is stable with even a single 150MHz Ross CPU,
> let alone two of them.
> It shouldn't make any difference which distro you choose, it's the kernel
> which is the problem. Compile the latest 2.4 from kernel.org and see if
> that's any better.
> But as I say, I don't think these CPUs play nicely with Linux at all, unless
> someone knows different?
> David.
> --
> David Johnson
> http://www.david-web.co.uk/
> --
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J. L. Blank, Systems Administrator, twu.net
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