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2.4.20 compile problem - solved properly?
2.4.21pre6 kernel Load problem on/for sun4u
2.4.21pre6 sun4u root partition mounting failures
Re: 2.4.2-rc6 sun4u root partition mounting failures
Boot From CD?
bug report snes emulator on sparc
cannot logon on to sparc as only certain keys work - keys type strange characters - locked out
can't get SMP on sparc 20 running debian 3.0r1
cdrom boot/install problems with Woody on SunBlade100
Compiling kernel on Ultra-2
Debian 3.0 on a Netra T1
devine z1jf911eqhr34
does not match kernel data
dpkg-buildpackage for mod_perl
Fw: DRS 6000 Spares
ethernet lockup on ultra 1
Failed build process (segmentation fault)
Fdisk problems.
flash plugin
formatting sun 2.1G disks
gcc-3.2.3 for sparc64 kernels
Hello, New to this listing.
Help in defining cycle counter for sparc needed
How to install on a Ultra 1
IEEE1394 + 2.4.20 compile problem on/for sun4u
Image too large to fit in destination
install debian in SunBlade 2000
Re: install debian on ultra 10
Invitation To Treat
Kernel 2.4.20 and IPv6 ICMP on Sparc32/64 bomb
Kernel built with kernel-package has numerous Unresolved symbols
Kernel won't compile
Looking for help debugging gnucash build problem on sparc
Newbie questions...
OpenOffice for SparcLinux
PC monitor on Ultra 60/Elite 3D
Phoenix/Firebird on Sparc?
Phoenix on linux/sparc
PPP connection problem
Problem getting X Server to tun on Ultra Sparc 10 with Debian 3.0.r1
Problems Partitioning
PS/2 mouse on Sparc Classic
random compilation errors
reiserfs on software raid on sparc/2.4.18 ?
RE; order
RNIS on Ultra2
Serial port on Ultra2
Setting speed and duplexing on a sbus QFE interface on an Ultra 1
Software RAID on UltraLinux 2.4.18/19 needs patch, or use 2.4.20+
solaris problem
sound and keyboard issues woody on ultra 10
Sound on Sun Blade 100
sparc64 and ipsec
Sparcstation 20 does not boot
spin_lock error Sparc SS20
StorEdge A1000
Sun Enterprise 250
Sun newbie w/ SparcStation 5
Re: Sun Ultra 30 available
U5/10 and IDE drives larger than 20GB
Ultra 5 won't boot from HD after install
Understanding the porting process
Why did I get no response? Was:Understanding the porting process
Why did I get not one response? Was:Understanding the porting process
XFree86 on Sparc 2 running Woody.
XFree on Ultra10
X on a E 420 or E 250
X problems on Ultra 5
The last update was on 20:06 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 243 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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