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Re: Failed build process (segmentation fault)

On Sun, May 11, 2003 at 11:41:31AM +0200, Javera - IDFO wrote:
> Ben Collins wrote:
> >>I don't know what happen because I repeat this process in a x86 box and 
> >>it works fine. Are there any problems with build process in
> >>a SPARC-LINUX systems ? Are there any requeriments ?.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >Perhaps bad memory in your IPX? I ran into the same problem with a SS1.
> >
> > 
> >
> I repeat the compilation process under with kernel 2.2.20 (before was 
> 2.4.20) and it worked. Are there
> any problems with gcc and 2.4.20 ?.

No, but there are definitely stability issues with 2.4.x on sparc32.

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