Sparcstation 20 does not boot
i've got a sparcstation 20 a longer time ago but haven't used it for so far
because i had no clue how to get running the monitor i got with it.
Well today i wanted to try to talk to my sparc via the serial port/console
so i setted my terminal software to use the right COM Port and have setted
the terminal options to 9600-8-N-1.
Well when i switched on my sparc after a few seconds it shows me up some
SMCC SPARCstation 10/20 UP/MP POST version VRV3.45 (09/11/95)
CPU_#0 TI, TMS390Z50(3.x) 0Mb External cache
CPU_#1 ******* NOT installed *******
CPU_#2 ******* NOT installed *******
CPU_#3 ******* NOT installed *******
>>>>> Power On Self Test (POST) is running .... <<<<<
At this point my sparc stucks.. nothing more since about 20 minutes!
What could be the failure (even if the given informations might not be very
much, sorry :() and how can i resolve it?
Would be lucky for cc'ing follow-ups to
Thanks for now
Patrick Schönfeld
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