RE: Setting speed and duplexing on a sbus QFE interface on an Ultra 1
Thanks for getting back to me with this, as it seemed to be a good
possibility. Unfortunately, it isn't working. Apparently, ethtool doesn't
support QFE cards, only HME on Sparc systems. I have an HME on this system,
and could potentially use it, however I'd rather not have to reconfigure my
system to do so at this point. I will keep this tool in mind, however.
Apparently, it hasn't been worked on in quite some time (at least this
portion of the gkernel project), so I may put in a feature request for
adding support for my hardware. In the meantime, however, any more ideas
would be helpful.
Incidentally, I did search the archives, and found precious little regarding
speed and duplexing that was of any real use to my specific situation. I'll
keep looking, however, and maybe find something more that I missed
previously. Thanks again.
Ben Pitzer
"Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Ben Franklin--
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Sharp
> Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:39 PM
> To: Ben Pitzer
> Subject: Re: Setting speed and duplexing on a sbus QFE interface on an
> Ultra 1
> Maybe someone has already told you, but you need to use ethtool.
> # apt-get install ethtool
> # ethtool -s eth0 duplex full
> In general, you can get this and most anything you can wonder about by
> searching the list archives.
> a
> PS Read the ethtool man page for full details.
> On Fri, May 09, 2003 at 10:48:09PM -0400, Ben Pitzer wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > I have Debian Sarge running on a Sun Ultra 1. I have a new
> switch that I
> > was forced to get after I had to give up my Cisco 2924 to
> another purpose.
> > Unfortunately, the interface only comes up as 100hdx on the new
> switch. I'd
> > like to make it 100fdx, but am unsure how to do so under Debian Sparc.
> > First, do I need to compile MII support into my kernel, and
> will that MII
> > support play nicely with the QFE? It's an older system,
> obviously, and I'm
> > not sure how well supported an sbus QFE card will be. Second, how do I
> > identify the actual device to tell mii-tool to set to 100fdx,
> or autoneg, or
> > whatever I need to set it to? /dev/eth0 (which is what the
> first port on
> > that qfe card comes up as) doesn't seem to exist. I know how to do this
> > under Solaris, but never had reason to do it under Linux of any
> flavor. Any
> > help would be appreciated. Thanks.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ben Pitzer
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------
> >
> > "Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> > safety
> > deserve neither liberty nor safety."
> > --Ben Franklin--
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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