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Re: cdrom boot/install problems with Woody on SunBlade100

So, are you saying that there is no way to install a SunBlade100 directly 
from cdrom, or is there something special that I should be doing with the 
tftp image?  (I don't have a rarp/bootp/dhcp/tftp server at my disposal.)

On Tue, 27 May 2003, Ben Collins wrote:

> > /boot/sparc64 
> > initrd=/disks/woody/main/disks-sparc/current/images-1.44/root.bin
> I sure hope you meant "/dists/..." and not "/disks/...".
> > I understand that tftp is probably prefered or works better, but at this 
> > point all I have is a cd. 
> The tftp image is in
> /dists/woody/main/disks-sparc/current/sun4u/
> on the CD.

Keven Haynes

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