debian-kde Nov 2001 by thread
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Can't locate module net-pf-10 Jose Juan Iglesias
KDE 2.2.1 for Debian/Alpha James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.
Evolution Daniel D Jones
status of 2.2.1 Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
GNOME event sounds under KDE kiss the sun and walk on air
faux pas, Module config Bill Leach
KStyle breakage Josh Hansen
XF86_SVGA uses 99%cpu Matt Collier
Upgraded to 2.2 - mail now broken derekgladding
Secret Feature Jens Benecke
QNiX Theme Kamil Kisiel
Re: kdm bug Johnny Ernst Nielsen
2.2.2? - New install Hank Marquardt
Netscape6.2/Mozilla0.9.5 broken for Debian/Sid James D. Freels
Netscape 6.2/Mozille 0.9.5 now fails in Debian/Sid James D. Freels
KasBar in 2.2.1 Hendrik Sattler
Submenu in Control bar Hendrik Sattler
konq-plugins Sven Kristiansson
apt-update and 2.2.11 Phillip Strauss
Suggestion for the Enhanced Browsing Josep Febrer
kdm chooser incorrectly reports Display not authorized Eric Nodwell
kmail & pgp signing Greg Madden
hanging in konqueror Justin R. Miller
Problems with Home / End keys, Konsole and ssh Magnus von Koeller
Reverting some packages from unstable->testing Magnus von Koeller
kde-devel broke my X? John Gay
kde & power savings Tom Allison
Re: kde objprelink and new binutils Magnus von Koeller
Problem Adding A Printer To KDE Robert Tilley
Konqueror gets weird Peter Soetens
KDE 3? Vaclav Hula
Re: KDE3 Vaclav Hula
unstable KDE situation? James Lindenschmidt
kdm is dead Geoffrey Hausheer
Status of share/config --> share/kde2/config for 2.2.2 ? Achim Bohnet
Flash again (Re: Flash & Konqueror -- Coexistence in Question) Eray Ozkural (exa)
Why are there no task packages for KDE? Pablo de Vicente
knewsticker crashes! Franz Keferboeck
Fwd: KMail and Debian packages Magnus von Koeller
what happened to keystone? kiss the sun and walk on air
Fwd: Bug#35197: attaching a file that is in other partition crashes Michael Häckel
RE:khelp not working right John Greer
konq in ftp mode Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
Problems compiling kdelibs package. Help! Trevor Phillips
frustration with konsole and foreground/background colors Scott Prater
Awkward behaviour with USB mouse Pablo de Vicente
Freaky Fonts With Update To 2.2.2 Robert Tilley
RE: Font Problem Robert Tilley
2.2.2 Ivan E. Moore II
Strange segfaults J Siegel
How I can I Anti-Alias Adobe-Helvetica? Robert Tilley
X server won't start after dist-upgrade Sheldon Lee-Wen
Shockware Plugin for Konqueror Rainer Dorsch
Where are the AntiAlias-settings stored? Franz Keferboeck
DCOP errors and libkdeui errors John Gay
What version of gphoto to use to build kamera in KDE 2.2.2? Jeff Tranter
Strange message when starting KDE app Sylvain Joyeux
Update 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 -> weird behavior Thomas Winischhofer
RE: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 Robert Tilley
2.2.2 / kmail performance Ben Burton
HTTPS -- ??? Robert Tilley
kdelibs3-crypto <> https Robert Tilley
konsole and curses and bears oh my! Ivan E. Moore II
Kamera in 2.2.2? Josh Hansen
Xinerama & Keyboard queries... Trevor Phillips
Disk access *every* 5 seconds? Udo Burghardt
Re: Disk access *every* 5 seconds? David P James
Re: Disk access *every* 5 seconds? Wilco Greven
Re: Disk access *every* 5 seconds? Jens Benecke
kapm-idle Tom Allison
copy/paste behavior in KDE Kurt Lieber
missing (fwd) Kari Ruohonen
kmozilla Bjoern Krombholz
kde 2.2.x on potato (self compiled) Eckhard Lehmann
More on libkdeui problems John Gay
Drag 'n' Drop quirks... Trevor Phillips
The last update was on 17:41 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 542 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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