debian-isp Mar 2001 by thread
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rather OT question Andrei D. Caraman
Credit Like Card Matt Fair
Re: Sybase ASE (fwd) Przemyslaw Wegrzyn
samba over PLIP Erik Peter P. Abella
excluding own-version-builds from being auto-updated Peter Lieven
linux card Matt Fair
Unstable server pf
load balancer Allen Ahoffman
can't exec /usr/sbin/named-xfer no such file or directory Jakub Ambrożewicz
tyan s2510ng Allen Ahoffman
record a mac address of a networkcard Joachim Schiele
arpwatch and more Allen Ahoffman
Proper way to add a virtual host? John Gonzalez/netMDC admin
making own dep packages Grischa Schuering
make machine Duane Powers
copyrights liability question Allen Ahoffman
sis900 network cards Allen Ahoffman
Re: can't exec /usr/sbin/named-xfer no such file or directory SOLVED Jakub Ambrożewicz
First ISDN connection kills IP-route Bernd Harmsen
kernel 2.4.0 and connections problem Krzysztof Mazurczyk
php cgi :yegon
protfpd virtual user Andreas Rabus
Changing servers Steve
German Keyboard on KDE 2 buschjost
KYE/Genius Speedsurfer ISDN card Martin WHEELER
Web-Based DNS Frontend Arnd Vehling
Debian source: GRE-patched traceroute_1.4a12 Neale Banks
Funny Logs I. Forbes
pon & kppp paul taylor
secure remote backup Matt Fair
a little PHP reg exp help pls Chad A. Adlawan
LDAP replication problem Russell Coker
tyan s2510ng motherboards Allen Ahoffman
Squid Alternative Robert Davidson
"kickstart" for debian needed Duane Powers
Firewall configuration with two ISP Bala
KDE 2 buschjost
PHP question on query string formatting Sibuyas
schema for NSS LDAP with not all accounts active Russell Coker
sendmail is slow for mass mail JPS
A sendmail question from someone else Josh Miller
Debian 2.2r2 Y2KNET
pon paul taylor
Voice chat for users Mitchell
X terminals crashes... Marcin Dolinski
how to restrict remote user login in a per user basis ? Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
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