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Re: Remote shutdown ... of Win95

Why not set up an some sort of unix -like
environment on your win box and remotely
run a shutdown?

Cygwin does run under 9x.
The Cygwin FAQ is at:
Cygwin is GPL'd.

Theres a port of sshd based on cygwin.
Not sure if it runs under 9x:

You might also try AT&T Unix for Windows
which comes with telnet and rsh daemons
(and much more) as well as the shutdown

There's a contributed port of sshd to 
u/win available, too.


Kevin Butler <kevinbutler@bigfoot.com> 16 Mar 2001, at 16:18:

> You may want to try running VNC:
> http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/
> It is basically a "remote desktop" application, so you connect to the
> VNC server, you see the (in this case) Win95 desktop, you choose
> Start|Shutdown...
> Note, though, that if you have applications running that fail to shut
> down cleanly, VNC will go away, so you won't be able to connect
> remotely, and Win95 will be waiting for you to press "End Task" before
> it will continue to shut down.
> Gotta love MS.
> kb
> piotr_tarnowski@poczta.onet.pl wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have POTATO firewall which controls UPS status and want
> > to shutdown all machines on power failure.
> > I use UPSD in client mode for UN*X workstations but I also
> > have one running M$Win95...
> >
> > Any ideas how can I shutdown Windows95 remotely from Linux ?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Piotr Tarnowski
> >
> > --
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