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Re: long hang time for ftp

On 12 Mar 2001, David Bishop wrote:

> Sooo.. how do I fix it?  I assume I am going to run into this problem quite
> often, because a lot of dial-up users, as well as others don't have a
> resolvable IP, and I can't fix their end.  I would have no problem turning
> off reverse-dns lookups system-wide (dont' see the need) but I don't know
> how.  Hints?

If using ProFTPd, maybe do:
 UseReverseDNS off
(This is in the proftpd faq.)

I am not sure about wu-ftpd; look at the manual page.

Also, sometimes this problem is caused by IDENT lookups. This can be
disabled in proftpd and wu-ftpd.

  Jeremy C. Reed
     ISP-FAQ.com -- find answers to your questions

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