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RE: Sybase ASE

I would guess that their intention is to discourage folks from running it on
big iron Sun / IBM boxes that have the ability to run linux or linux
applications on top of another OS.  I imagine they want you to pay them for
that. :)

- jsw

-----Original Message-----
From: Przemyslaw Wegrzyn [mailto:czajnik@tower.t16.ds.pwr.wroc.pl]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 3:12 PM
To: debian-isp@lists.debian.org
Subject: Sybase ASE

Has anyone here experience with Sybase ASE on Linux ?

I'm wondering, if it is a good choice for production enviroment... It has
a little strange license:

"You are allowed to install and use the Software for free as long as you
operate the Software at all times only with the Open Source - Linux and
various BSD - operating systems running natively on your hardware
system. "

What does it mean _operate_the_Software_ ? ;)
What about multi-tier applications, when connections to Sybase are made by
linux-based-middle-tier only ? Is it allowed ?


PS - I know I should post this question directly to Sybase, but I'd like
to know about your experiences with it...

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