Re: compile vs. apt-get (dpkg)
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:31:14PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> BTW, you'll need the apache-dev package installed, as well as a
> reasonably full suite of developer tools and libraries (gcc, make,
> dpkg-dev, debhelper, libc6-dev, etc)
get task-debian-devel and take a look at the 'Build-Depends' Line in
the debian/control file of the unpacked package.
There is also a packaging-manual.
Good luck!
Regards, David Schmitt
Suche Partnerin fürs Leben: bin gutaussehend, kinderlieb, kann kochen, hasse
Fußball, liebe langes Vorspiel und lüge notorisch
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