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RE: transfering amongst partitions

Hrrm, I'll try to explain a bit better this time :-)

I currently have a hard drive laid out like this:

hda1 = NTFS 4Gigs
hda2 = ext2 / 2Gigs
hda5 = swap 128 Megs
hda6 = ext2 /home 2 Gigs

and I want to end up with:

hda1 = ext2 / 4Gigs
hda2 = ext2 /home 4Gigs
hda3 = swap 128 megs

So my idea was, blow away the ntfs partition, and transfer everything over
there, then blow away the other partitions, create a new 4 gig partition and
transfer /home back.  My two problems were: what can I use to copy the data
without screwing anything up (I guess cp -ap will work?) and how to tell lilo
where the new kernel is without booting off of a floppy (which, I guess I
could probably work around).  As I said, probably making a mountain out of a
molehill, I'm just fairly new at this and don't want to screw up one of our
web servers.  The reason I want to do the "giant root partitioning scheme",
is that everytime I start dividing stuff up, I run into a situation where I
have plenty of space on one partition, and am cramped on another.  This seems
to be a simple way to avoid that :-)

Thanks for all the suggestions so far, I'm gonna start playing around with


On Fri, 2 Mar 2001 11:14:34 +0200, G.Brits said:

> I will explain it my way , got a bit confused with your explination ..
>  You have one hard drive lets say 10 GIG. 4 Gig for NT , 2 GIG for var .. and
>  what ever
>  If you don't want any data from the NT drive , do the following
>  Unmout the NT partition , so when you type in " mount " at the bash , it
>  should not be in there ( The NT partition) now you can mke2fs or format that
>  partition . so now you have an epty , unmouted partition . Lets say you want
>  to use that partition as /var. Make a directory called var2 , and copy all
>  of /var into var2 ... so you are copying the /var contents into a folder
>  var2. Now unmount the /var partition , since you did not have a /var
>  partition , but a /var folder , you can delete it afterwards. now mount /var
>  onto the empty partition , so when you are done , and type " mount " at the
>  prompt again , it shoul show you that /dev/hdax is now mounted as /var . Now
>  just copy the var2 contents into the /var partition .
>  Reboot if you want to check that everything comes up fine
>  Regards
>  G.Brits
>  Linux Systems Engineer
>  Technology Concepts
>  Tel +27 11 803 2169
>  Fax +27 11 803 2189
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: David Bishop [mailto:david@bishop.dhs.org]
>  Sent: 02 March 2001 01:21
>  To: debian-isp@lists.debian.org
>  Subject: transfering amongst partitions
>  So, I trying to convert a machine that has been dual-booting NT and Debian
>  for awhile, mainly because I just noticed that I haven't booted into NT in
>  over two months :-)  I want to reclaim that lost disk space that is
>  currently
>  an NTFS partition, and that's where I'm stuck.	The current layout of the
>  drive is hda1=ntfs, hda2=/, hda5=swap, and hda6=/home.	hda1 is 4 gigs, and
>  hda2 and 6 are two gigs each.  Now, I assume it would be easiest to
>  re-fdisk/format hda1 to be ext2, then copy all of hda2 over, then hda6 as
>  well, delete everything but hda1, and refdisk to make a four-gig hda2, and
>  recreate the swap.  Sounds easy, right?  Well, therein lies the troubles.
>  First, I don't know of a safe way to transfer all of those files.  I've
>  tried
>  to use tar in the past, but had permision issues (things ended up being
>  owned
>  by root).  I could use dd, but that's a block-by-block transfer, right?  So
>  the partitions would have to be the same size? cp has the same problems as
>  tar, and how does copying device files work? I thought I read that would
>  screw stuff up.
>  Oh, and how do I boot up afterwards?  I forgot to mention that there is no
>  floppy disk available, so I can't just boot off of a rescue floppy and rerun
>  lilo when everything is schootched around.
>  So, I am undoubtably making a mountain out of a molehill, and I just ask
>  that
>  you guys not laugh too loudly.	Laughing up your sleeve is perfectly
>  acceptable, though :-)
>  TIA and HAND,
>  D.A.Bishop
>  P.S. Of course this box is running some web services so it can't be down for
>  longer than about 1/2 hour.  Just making things easy on me B-)
>  --
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