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"kickstart" for debian needed Re: [pptp-server] Debian source: GRE-patched traceroute_1.4a12 arpwatch and more automated installs can't exec /usr/sbin/named-xfer no such file or directory Re: can't exec /usr/sbin/named-xfer no such file or directory SOLVED Changing servers Re: compile vs. apt-get (dpkg) Compiling bind_8.2.3-0 for slink Compiling courier on potato copyrights liability question Credit Like Card Debian 2.2r2 Debian source: GRE-patched traceroute_1.4a12 enviroinments under X... excluding own-version-builds from being auto-updated FW: re:exim and sendmail-like virtusertable exim and sendmail-like virtusertable exim question Re: Fck iexplorer and .pac files Firewall and remote access? Firewall configuration with two ISP First ISDN connection kills IP-route Funny Logs German Keyboard on KDE 2 High performance filesystems ? how to restrict remote user login in a per user basis ? Re: IMAP/POP3 + Maildir IP Block Management Database KDE 2 kernel 2.4.0 and connections problem KYE/Genius Speedsurfer ISDN card latest postfix for potato? (was:Re: Compiling bind_8.2.3-0 for slink) Re: latest postfix for potato? (was:Re: Compiling bind_8.2.3-0 for slink)\ LDAP replication problem linux card a little PHP reg exp help pls load balancer long hang time for ftp mailing list software make machine making own dep packages Official CD php cgi PHP question on query string formatting pon pon & kppp Proper way to add a virtual host? protfpd virtual user rather OT question record a mac address of a networkcard Remote shutdown ... of Win95 samba over PLIP schema for NSS LDAP with not all accounts active secure remote backup sendmail is slow for mass mail A sendmail question from someone else sis900 network cards Solved Re: First ISDN connection kills IP-route SQL/LDAP Backend for DNS? (was: Web-Based DNS Frontend) Squid Alternative Sybase ASE Re: Sybase ASE (fwd) To stupid or to difficult? [was: First ISDN connection kills IP-route] transfering amongst partitions Transparent firewall transparent firewall transparent firewall box tyan s2510ng tyan s2510ng motherboards Unidentified subject! Unstable server virtual ssl ? Re: virtual ssl ? also multiple virtual domains in apache Voice chat for users Web-Based DNS Frontend X terminals crashes... The last update was on 16:20 GMT Sun May 12. There are 255 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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