Re: compile vs. apt-get (dpkg)
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 05:43:58PM +0100, Grischa Schuering wrote:
> Can someone tell me what to do when apache sources are downloaded ?? How
> do we make a package.
For the necessary tools you will need to
[root@devel ~] apt-get install task-debian-devel
Then go into your development dir and get the source:
[user@devel ~] cd packages
[user@devel ~/packages] apt-get source apache
You need deb-src lines in your sources.list for this to work.
Now cd into the newly created directory and check, that you have
everything you need:
[user@devel ~/packages/apache-1.3.14] cat debian/control | grep Build-Depends
Install the packages (with appropriate versions) on your system.
For apache-1.3.14 this is: debhelper, libmysqlclient10-dev,
postgresql-dev, sharutils, libdb2-dev (>= 2.7.7-2.1).
Having set up all correctly you should be able to build the default
package now:
[user@devel ~/packages/apache-1.3.14] dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc
Now, lean back and get yourself some coffee (or faster H/W ;)
If the correct versions of the Build-Dependencies are not available
for your target-release you will have to recompile and install them
Meanwhile you can take a look at the debian/ directory where all files
which control the debian-part of the build-process reside. The most
important are control and rules.
For a very thorough description take a look at the packaging-manual
If you want to make your own package from upstream sources take a look
at dh_make or (in case of apache modules) search for similar packages
and take a look at their source (especially the debian/ directory).
If you need further help, you can ask specific questions via PM, since
I think this is getting OT here.
Regards David.
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