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6 GB in .xsession-errors !
Re: user administration tool for Debian-Edu/Skolelinux (was Small Report of Dev WE in France 18-19/03 – Work on user administration tool)
[ RFS: b5]
[Bug 1052] Welcome screen shows wrong built date 20050305
[Bug 1065] Profile descriptions in English
[Bug 1070] New: thin clients fail to login with ldm , daily build 01.03.2006
[Bug 1070] thin clients fail to login with ldm , daily build 01.03.2006
[Bug 1072] New: wrong default kernel info in cd boot help screen
[Bug 1072] wrong default kernel info in cd boot help screen
[Bug 1073] New: chroot looses nameresolution becouse resolv.conf links to nonexsistant resolvconf
[Bug 1074] dead link in chroot/etc/rcx.d directories
[Bug 1074] New: dead link in chroot/etc/rcx.d directories
[Bug 1075] New: Host names should be more flexible / less generic
[Bug 1076] New: Remove point postfix mailer in munin overview because exim is uesd.
[Bug 1077] /usr MAX size is not enough for second CD
[Bug 1077] New: /usr MAX size is not enough for second CD
[Bug 397] Need increased attention on PR effects and branding
[Bug 550] email clients automatically configured for postoffice with imaps
Re: [Debian Wiki] opdatering af "DebianEdu/PressRelease200601" af NigelBarker
About #974 (Set mode for /dev/dsp to 0666)
announcing new service dak
Anyone still using /skolelinux/developer/temp/?
April gathering during easter - not a good idea?
Article about the new Debian-EDU release
Avant les Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre - Le 25 et le 26 Mars
Bug#301565: marked as done (debian-edu-config: Resets the network during upgrade)
Bug#343457: marked as done (boot_xconf: syntax error in 'let LENGTH=($LENGTH - 1)')
Re: Bug#356709: please remove base-config from unstable
Bug#356879: debian-edu: Cleanup duplicate relations
Bug#357120: debian-edu: [INTL:pt] Updated translation
Bug#358834: autopartkit only work with devfs, not udev
Bug#359625: xdebconfigurator: [INTL:tl] Tagalog templates translation
Changed uid of user builder(101->998) on developer.s.n
changing some services
Command Line Request for Adding users to group (LDAP)
debian-edu-config_0.400_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu-config_0.401_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu-config_0.401_i386.changes is NEW
debian-edu-config_0.401_i386.changes REJECTED
debian-edu-install REMOVED from testing
DESA-2006-001: several packages
Dev camp 2006
Dev Camp 2006 and Eu project
Re: DHCP Question: Shared Backbone for LTSP/Tjener
Diskless workstation issues
Draft press release: I need speedy feedback
extremadura ... sign up until the 3rd of april, please
Grants to Public Schools in US (LA and Portland,OR)
Re: GUI problems on server and thin client
Re: IP question
IRC Meeting on 20.03. at 20.00 GMT!
Keyring handling for new archive software
Kind attention
Next Skolelinux/Debian-Edu developer gathering (21-23/4-2006)
Re: Printing Quota in SkoleLinux?
Processed: Fixed in svn
Processed: Re: Fixed in svn
Processing of debian-edu-config_0.400_i386.changes
Processing of debian-edu-config_0.401_i386.changes
Processing of xdebconfigurator_1.22_i386.changes
Processing of xdebconfigurator_1.23_i386.changes
Release Candidate 2 for Sarge-based Debian-Edu/Skolelinux
Ren'Py - visual novel interpreter
replacement for NFS ?
Sarge-based Debian-Edu/Skolelinux 2.0 Released as Stable
Second draft: Debian-Edu/Skolelinux 2.0 ready for free use!
Setting up a custom mirror for net-install
shared directory
Simplifying as a showcase
Skolelinux 2.0, Thinclients and sound
skolelinux in Spanish
Skolelinux/Debian-Edu Wikis - Interwiki Links
Re: Small Report of Dev WE in France 18-19/03 ? Work on user administration tool
Small Report of Dev WE in France 18-19/03 ? Work on user administration tool
Some clean up on the wiki pages
some more documentation for getting started :)
test from french team
Testing WinXP on RC2
Re: user administration tool for Debian-Edu/Skolelinux
user administration tool for Debian-Edu/Skolelinux (was Small Report of Dev WE in France 18-19/03 ? Work on user administration tool)
Re: user administration tool for Debian-Edu/Skolelinux (was Small Report of Dev WE in France 18-19/03 ? Work on user administration tool)
Using to list debian-edu package status?
Using wiki for composing a press release
Re: Wanted: Admin for List of Schools
What to back up on administrator.s.n and user.s.n?
xdebconfigurator 1.22 MIGRATED to testing
xdebconfigurator_1.22_i386.changes ACCEPTED
xdebconfigurator_1.23_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Your Bugzilla buglist needs attention.
The last update was on 18:17 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 216 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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