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Re: Diskless workstation issues

2006/3/29, Martin Herweg <m.herweg@gmx.de>:

Thanks Martin for the answer. I'll try asap

> > which is the default configuration on skolelinux now ?
> the default is still "LTSP" Thin Clients but this is the
> "MueKow" - Version of LTSP which needs more CPU,RAM and more time to boot.

I see.

> AFAIK Debian-Edu and Edubuntu People are working on it to make it more thinner
> & faster than it is now.

good to know

> > So my questions: how can I configure skolelinux sarge to be
> >
> > 1/ _ONLY_ a thin clients server and clients configuration,
> cd /opt
> mv ltsp ltsp.muekow
> then install LTSP 3.0


What do I have to change with respect to the configuration files ?

> > 2/ a system where only "light" applications are uses (I use XFCE on
> > the terminals)
> install XFCE and set it as the default Windowmanager

where and how ?
> > 3/ how can I also easily change and have a unique xfcerc for all users
> > to easily change it and adapt the menus it contains ? Maybe with some
> > links. (before trying I would like to know if someone already has some
> > xperience of such a configuration)
> We use IceWM. it has global settings in
> /etc/X11/icewm
> and individual settings in ~/.icewm

I'll try icewm too then

> here is an example icewm menu file:
> http://developer.skolelinux.no/dokumentasjon/configs/menu-icewm-kongsvinger

thank you very much


Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux@ael.be

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