debian-user Mar 2018 by thread
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Re: update bios from debian Jape Person
Re: update bios from debian Jimmy Johnson
DRI missing file stefan djurdjanovic
DRI missing stefan djurdjanovic
hwclock incorrectly set ? Charles E. Blair
Help needed with home network configuration Johann Spies
Re: Help needed with home network configuration:[SOLVED] Johann Spies
[Debian-Stretch on macmini-4.1] Can't get X working with nvidia Ennio-Sr
Cryptic folders ... Agostinho Matos
Starting powertop --auto-tune from systemd Rainer Dorsch
Install stretch problem...... Charlie
Missing from ldconfig Curt Howland
ACPI Error at boot time Anil Duggirala
ViSP installation problems Evgeny
Boot hangs after upgrade to 9.4 at sp5100_tco I/0 address 0x0cd6 already in use Curt
Deleted two partitions, system does not boot anymore Rainer Dorsch
SOLVED Re: Missing from ldconfig Curt Howland
Flash player for opera browser Marc Hodgson
Troubles with my thinkpad e560 ev0 stuv
stretch security updates Felix Natter
AppArmor permissions to create a specific directory André Rodier
Broken kernel? John ff
Re: (solved) Re: wireless fail after stretch installation Jude DaShiell
PAE or not PAE? Hans
Multiple issues after update mmturin
how to get tethering to working Long Wind
OT: dovecot with letsencrypt, K9 mail fails? Richard Hector
Simple spreadsheet program. terryc
quick scripting 'is /P/Q mounted' Mike McClain
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