debian-user Oct 2008 by thread
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Konqueror, mplayer and embedded mp3 Augustin
kernel 2.6.27 lachlan
Re: ping MAC address Achim Stumpf
How do I prevent Grub from getting automagically updated? Aniruddha
Reading old cryptoloop encrypted files with Lenny Jean Hoderd
Amazon Web Services Tom Allison
icedove John Lindsay
Instalar Lenny+kde, con instalador via internet? consultores1
rhythmbox automatic discovery of daap shares Bob
how to add a virtual directory in apache with support to php files? Star Liu
Any suggest on NFS server in product environment? Ding Honghui
what is Debian way to move a user's home directory? michael
hdf5 1.6.7 (or 1.8) Jerome BENOIT
exim4 mainlog & msglog permissions? Thomas H. George
What does it takes to bring a system down to its knee ? Mathieu Malaterre
Re: LANG=fr_FR /usr/bin/nedit and accentuated characters Nicolas BERCHER
recompiling the debian kernel..getting wierd messege. Michael Habashy
Configuring sudo by file, not by visudo etc T o n g
Install xorg video drivers T o n g
/dev/shm lost T o n g
proxy server difficulties T o n g
X-keyboard configuration T o n g
System Hangs chinna p
Problem with battery on boot Piter_
How about MySQL in 64bit Debian? hhding.gnu
OT Upgrade from Etch to Sid (fwd) Erik Heil
eject modem Bonnel Christophe
NX5000 network card problem Bret Busby
How to enable userdir in apache2 T o n g
Where to get a Sarge ISO Shawn Willden
Upgrading after a fresh install. Daryl Styrk
Installing Etch With TFTP: Linux starts, I/O Stops Hal Vaughan
Question about Etch Installation Joe Vender
managing a adaptec 1430sa Alex Samad
ping hostnames ala windows ping.exe? Lachlan
Debian Stole My Name! Hal Vaughan
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