Question about Etch Installation
If you are going to install Debian Etch 4.04a (i386) from a complete DVD
set and stick with the default installer choices ("Standard System" and
"Desktop Environment"), will all of the required packages/files and
their dependencies be found on the first DVD, or will you need #2 and/or
#3 DVD as well?
I've noticed that the installation routine doesn't give you the
opportunity to do a "apt-cdrom add" to add the #2 and #3 DVDs to the
repository list before starting the file copy process. So, I'm assuming
that, for a default install, every required file and package is located
on the first DVD. In fact, since the installer doesn't have a step to
add the 2nd and 3rd DVD repositories before starting the package
installation process, am I correct in assuming that all needed
packages/files and their dependencies are contained entirely on the
first DVD for any combination of installation options available during
the step where you select what type of system you're installing
("Standard System","Desktop Environment", the various server
installation choices, etc.)?
I'd appreciate it if a debian developer or someone working on the
installer system could clear this up for me and answer my question.
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