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"apt-get source snappy" pulls Extra-Source-Only 1.1.4-1 in Debian-Stretch? 回覆: What can Debian do to provide complex applications to its users? Re: CUPS GPL → Apache license change, how to proceed? [VAC] French Alps Re: Auto-update for sid? Auto-backport? Bug#806464: ITP: trufont -- cross-platform ufo3 font editor Bug#889054: ITP: pytest-astropy -- Metapackage to resolve pytest dependencies for Astropy Bug#889075: ITP: qt5-engines-kvantum -- SVG-based theme engine for Qt5 Bug#889145: ITP: zdbsp -- node builder tool for Doom-style games Bug#889166: ITP: sawtooth -- platform for distributed ledgers Bug#889296: ITP: python-molotov -- Spiffy load testing tool in Python Bug#889300: ITP: python-aiomeasures -- collect and send metrics to StatsD for Python Bug#889516: ITP: el-ixir -- two-player board game with randomness Bug#889520: ITP: golang-github-disintegration-imaging -- Simple Go image processing package Bug#889566: ITP: golang-go4 -- go4 collection of packages Bug#889614: ITP: libwizard-java -- Wizards API Bug#889619: ITP: libp2pchat-java -- Peer To Peer Chat Bug#889636: ITP: rt4-extension-resetpassword -- Reset Password extension (Request Tracker) Bug#889660: ITP: golang-github-gobuffalo-envy -- simplify working with ENV variables Bug#889661: ITP: apertium-ukr -- Apertium single language data for Ukrainian Bug#889694: ITP: editorconfig-core-py -- Python library for working with EditorConfig Bug#889696: ITP: editorconfig-gedit -- EditorConfig support for GEdit Bug#889729: ITP: golang-github-muesli-smartcrop -- smartcrop finds good image crops for arbitrary crop sizes Bug#889744: ITP: mallard-ducktype -- Parser for Ducktype, a lightweight documentation syntax Bug#889784: ITP: ldmud -- LPC mud driver (non-free) Bug#889785: ITP: libequinox-osgi-java -- Equinox OSGi framework Bug#889826: ITP: vmdb2 -- create disk images with Debian installed Bug#889880: ITP: golang-github-nvveen-gotty -- Go package for interacting with the capabilities of a terminal Bug#889882: ITP: golang-github-opencontainers-go-digest -- Common digest package used across the container ecosystem Bug#889887: ITP: golang-github-gocarina-gocsv -- The GoCSV package aims to provide easy CSV serialization and deserialization to the golang programming language Bug#889923: ITP: golang-github-go-errors-errors -- errors with stacktraces for go Bug#889942: ITP: ignition-fuel-tools -- Classes and tools for interacting with Ignition Fuel Bug#889944: ITP: golang-github-containerd-console -- console package for Go Bug#889947: ITP: golang-github-containerd-go-runc -- runc bindings for Go Bug#889948: ITP: runtime-spec -- OCI Runtime Specification Bug#889949: ITP: golang-github-opencontainers-runtime-spec -- OCI Runtime Specification Bug#889970: ITP: horizon-eda -- EDA layout and schematic package Bug#890004: ITP: carml -- carml is a command-line tool to query and control a running Tor Bug#890013: ITP: goconvey -- Go testing in the browser. Integrates with 'go test`. Write behavioral tests in Go. Bug#890061: ITP: galaxy-lib -- Subset of Galaxy core code base designed to be used Bug#890066: ITP: golang-gopkg-data-dog-go-sqlmock.v1 -- Sql mock driver for golang to test database interactions Bug#890071: ITP: python-etcd3gw -- client for etcd3 grpc-gateway v3 API Bug#890080: ITP : node-clone-response -- Clone a Node.js HTTP response stream Bug#890091: ITP: pytest-forked -- py.test plugin for running tests in isolated forked subprocesses Bug#890112: ITP: porechop -- adapter trimmer for Oxford Nanopore reads Bug#890128: ITP: aseba-plugin-blockly -- blockly plugin to enhance the package Aseba Bug#890187: ITP: racon -- Ultrafast consensus module for raw de novo genome assembly of long uncorrected reads Bug#890197: ITP: golang-rsc-qr -- QR codes Bug#890218: ITP: psautohint -- standalone version of the AFDKO autohinter Bug#890222: ITP: jnacl -- Pure Java implementation of the NaCl: Networking and Cryptography library Bug#890227: ITP: dump1090 -- Mode S decoder specifically designed for RTLSDR devices Bug#890258: ITP: quark -- An extremely small and simple HTTP GET-only web server Bug#890259: ITP: fonts-monofur -- terminal font with rounded shapes Bug#890273: ITP: python-os-service-types -- lib for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data Bug#890300: ITP: fonts-eurofurence -- family of geometric rounded sans serif fonts Bug#890310: ITP: golang-github-containerd-fifo -- fifo pkg for Go Bug#890321: ITP: libbusiness-isin-perl -- validate International Securities Identification Numbers Bug#890327: ITP: python-ua-parser -- Python module for parsing HTTP User-Agent strings Bug#890331: ITP: browserpass -- web extension for the password manager pass Bug#890354: ITP: nm-tray -- a simple NetworkManager front end written in KF5/Qt Bug#890363: ITP: sfnt2woff-zopfli -- Create WOFF files with Zopfli compression Bug#890492: ITP: node-localstorage -- substitute for the browser native localStorage API Bug#890510: ITP: gnome-usage -- simple system monitor app for GNOME Bug#890519: ITP: intel-ipsec-mb -- Intel(R) Multi-Buffer Crypto for IPSec library Bug#890520: ITP: webext-privacy-badger -- Privacy Badger blocks spying ads and invisible trackers Bug#890523: ITP: python3-anosql -- A Python library for using SQL Bug#890540: ITP: libtest-postgresql-perl -- sets up and destroys temporary PostgreSQL instances for testing Bug#890598: RM: dolibarr -- ROM; too much work to maintain it properly in Debian Bug#890610: ITP: jboss-bridger -- Java Bridge Method Maker Bug#890623: ITP: webext-bulk-media-downloader -- Cross-browser extension to detect and download media resources Bug#890625: ITP: golang-gopkg-warnings.v0 -- implements error handling with non-fatal errors (warnings) Bug#890629: ITP: golang-github-valyala-fasthttp -- Fast HTTP library for Go Bug#890656: ITP: python3-antlr3 -- ANother Tool for Language Recognition - Python 3 bindings Bug#890682: ITP: node-fill-keys --FILL KEYS in a destination that are defined on the source Bug#890684: ITP: node-js-string-escape -- Escape strings for use as JavaScript string literals Bug#890688: ITP: node-clear-require -- trace the caller path using javascript packaging. Bug#890690: ITP: node-mithril -- Javascript framework for building Single Page Applications Bug#890692: ITP: node-agentkeepalive -- http.Agent for having keepalive mode in http requests Bug#890694: ITP: node-fast-json-stable-stringify -- Deterministic JSON.stringify() Bug#890695: ITP: node-callsites -- Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API Bug#890697: ITP: webext-proxy-switcher -- Modify Proxy Settings for your Browser Bug#890702: ITP: node-module-not-found-error -- Generate a module_not_found_error Bug#890705: ITP: node-binaryextensions -- Array of binary file extensions Bug#890706: ITP: node-ansi-wrap -- Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes Bug#890709: ITP: node-stream-iterate -- Iterate through the values in a stream Bug#890710: node-date-time write the Debian package description Bug#890752: ITP: ctdopts -- Gives your Python tools a CTD-compatible interface Bug#890755: ITP: ctdconverter -- Convert CTD files into Galaxy tool and CWL CommandLineTool files Bug#890773: ITP: python-dracclient -- library for managing machines with Dell iDRAC cards Bug#890807: ITP: golang-github-containerd-cgroups -- cgroups package for Go Bug#890816: ITP: autovpn -- Connect to a VPN in a country of your choice Bug#890839: ITP: golang-github-showmax-go-fqdn -- Simple wrapper around net and os golang standard libraries providing Fully Qualified Domain Name of the machine. Bug#890903: ITP: node-acorn-node -- acorn for browserify context Bug#890958: ITP: golang-github-stevvooe-ttrpc -- GRPC for low-memory environments Bug#890960: ITP: golang-github-dmcgowan-go-tar -- Fork of archive/tar in standard library to carry changes for all go versions Bug#890973: ITP: xorgproto -- X11 extension protocols and auxiliary headers Bug#890976: ITP: python-google-auth -- Google Authentication Library Bug#890983: ITP: continuity -- A transport-agnostic, filesystem metadata manifest system Bug#890984: ITP: golang-github-containerd-btrfs -- Btrfs bindings for Go Bug#890989: ITP: golang-github-containerd-btrfs -- Btrfs bindings for Go Bug#891002: ITP: heat-dashboard -- OpenStack orchestration service - dashboard plugin Bug#891034: ITP: pass-extension-otp -- pass extension for managing one-time-password tokens Bug#891119: ITP: r-cran-clustergeneration -- GNU R random cluster generation (with specified degree of separation) Bug#891121: ITP: r-cran-animation -- GNU R gallery of animations and utilities to create animations Bug#891122: ITP: r-cran-phytools -- GNU R phylogenetic tools for comparative biology Bug#891135: ITP: golang-github-safchain-ethtool -- A simple ethtool-like library for GO Bug#891137: ITP: golang-github-dcso-fluxline -- Golang library to prepare sets of metrics in InfluxDB's Line Protocol format Bug#891170: ITP: ignition-tools -- Entry point for helper provided by all the suite of ignition robotics Bug#891181: ITP: golang-github-containerd-typeurl -- Go package for managing marshaled types to protobuf.Any Bug#891186: ITP: sat-templates -- collection of templates for Salut à Toi Bug#891211: ITP: impass -- Simple and secure password management and retrieval system Bug#891226: ITP: leatherman -- C++ and CMake utility library collection Bug#891361: ITP: golang-github-armon-go-socks5 -- SOCKS5 server in Golang Bug#891389: ITP: python3-defconqt -- A set of Qt objects for use in defcon applications Bug#891390: ITP: ufo-extractor -- Tools for extracting data from font binaries into UFO objects. Bug#891391: ITP: python-hsluv -- Python implementation of HSLuv (Human-friendly HSL) Bug#891457: RFH: gnome-shell-extension-caffeine -- GNOME Shell extension to keep your computer awake Bug#891458: RFH: gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus -- GNOME Shell extension to move system tray icons to top bar Bug#891486: ITP: pipenv -- python development workflow for humans Bug#891487: ITP: pew -- python env wrapper Bug#891497: ITP: pipsi -- pip script installer Bug#891502: ITP: irda-dkms -- IrDA subsystem and device drivers Bug#891506: ITP: gotestyourself -- A collection of go packages to support common testing patterns Bug#891528: ITP: cpp-hocon -- C++ port of the Typesafe Config library Bug#891531: ITP: golang-github-bfirsh-funker-go -- Funker for Go Bug#891608: ITP: python-certbot-dns-cloudflare -- a plugin to perform DNS validation for certbot through Cloudflare Bug#891633: aolserver4: Should this package be removed? Bug#891650: ITP: naviserver-modules -- Modules for the NaviServer webserver Bug#891669: ITP: nftlb -- nftables load balancer Bug#891706: ITP: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil -- Incremental file directory sync tools in golang Bug#891710: ITP: node-compare-versions -- Version string comparison for Node.js Bug#891726: ITP: osmocom-analog -- Implementation of former analog mobile networks Bug#891729: ITP: node-tippex -- Erase comments and strings from JavaScript code for Node.js Bug#891771: ITP: libauth-googleauth-perl -- Google Authenticator TBOT Abstraction Re: Call for tests: New python-magic Python bindings for libmagic Can aolserver4 be considered superseded and removed? Conditions for testing migration CUPS GPL → Apache license change, how to proceed? Re: CUPS GPL → Apache license change, how to proceed? Re: CUPS GPL → Apache license change, how to proceed? Debian part of a version number when epoch is bumped Extended Long Term Support for Wheezy Re: Extended Long Term Support for Wheezy, CIP Re: Extended Long Term Support for Wheezy, CIP A few questions about building Debian-Based Distro FHS: Where to store user specific plugins / code Re: Frustration over Debian naming Re: FTBFS with parallel make GitLab repository logo customisation Have you merged debian/patches/* ? How to report bugs with the new git repo? ITP: lsmount -- a simple formatter for /proc/mounts Re: Kanboard and alternatives for mentoring Re: Maintaining a custom out-of-tree patched Debian kernel for specific hardware Maintaining a custom out-of-tree patched Debian kernel for specific hardware (an update) Mass bug filing for the removal of freetype-config and freetype.m4 Re: Misc Developer News (#45) Re: The name LTS and the way we use it is very confusing (was: Extended Long Term Support for Wheezy) Package review: ddupdate. Packaging examples PGP Clean Room GSoC Co-Mentoring proposal: ITR (was Re: Removing packages perhaps too aggressively?) Q: How to get build depends package from debian/control Raising the problem of Debian Single Sign On + Alioth (again) Re: Removing packages perhaps too aggressively? Repackaging upstream source with file modifications? RFS: materia-gtk-theme salsa SSH fingerprint Re: ( replacement) going into beta Spam targeting nnn-done@bugs.d.o Standards 4.1.3 and apt-cacher Status Debian Single Sign On + Alioth replacements Suddenly U2F doesn't work on sid Systemd dependencies The last update was on 06:26 GMT Sun Dec 01. There are 667 messages. Page 1 of 2.

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