debconf-discuss Jul 2005 by thread
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Discussing problems at DebConf Andreas Tille
Re: Discussing problems at DebConf Branden Robinson / Debian Project Leader
Another video, high definition (big!) Herman Robak
Re: Someone from Russia Zhenja Kaluta
Webcam and IM Rob Taylor
stuttgart'ers going to debconf? Anand Kumria
Re: Debconf 5 Keysigning Party: List of participants Anibal Monsalve Salazar
relocating people to designated rooms Andreas Schuldei
party in the forest Peter 'p2' De Schrijver
Call for volunteers: Sound mixers and microphone operators. Herman Robak
Abstracts of BOFs Andreas Tille
Swimming today at 18:30 (dorms) Jeroen van Wolffelaar
-announce list? Andres Salomon
Parties and concerts Arto Teras
CAcert assurance at Debconf Micah Anderson
Proceedings - DebConf 5 Alexander Schmehl
Information about cleaning Riku Voipio
$B=PD%%[%9%H$G>.8/$$2T$.$7$^$;$s$+!#(B info
Do you want to be popular? Petter Reinholdtsen
3COM PCMCIA 10/100 ethernet card to give away martin f krafft
Calling All Derivers Benj. Mako Hill
volleyball martin f krafft
l10n-es? David Moreno Garza
Book exchange Lior Kaplan
802.1x woes Steinar H. Gunderson
video volunteer list version 0.9 - we could use some help :) Henning Sprang
arriving later martin f krafft
Dinner ticket found at TF Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
Help! Helsinki center to HUT by bike? W. Borgert
will work for bandwidth and webspace (videos of debconf5) Holger Levsen
video volunteer list version 1.0 Henning Sprang
ANNOUNCE: dont use stoves in the rooms, please! Andreas Schuldei
Comas-related feedback Gunnar Wolf
breakfast tickets martin f krafft
Lost root :( Amaya
Re: Room Assignment Release Candidate Ossama Khayat
My talk at debconf, available Juan Jose Amor
On having food late at night Gustavo Noronha Silva
Tshirts Steve McIntyre
an unused wireless card Al Nikolov
open source community building Kurt Gramlich
Help with wireless Margarita Manterola
Debian Project goals for 2005-2006 Noèl Köthe
ANOUNCEMENT: volunteers needed for the formal dinner Andreas Schuldei
ANNOUNCEMENT: Formal Dinner tickets Andreas Schuldei
Quick howtos Enrico Zini
ANNOUNCEMENT: Please return unused food tickets to the info desk Andreas Schuldei
cell phone contact info martin f krafft
6 ultra sparc 10 and a sgi indy available for hacking Holger Levsen
64-bit machines available? Peter Karlsson
devilserver1 and devilserver2 open for development... (was Re: 64-bit machines available?) Holger Levsen
Configuring X in the laptops provided by the organization Adeodato Simó
AdHocBof: cdimages all over the world Mattias Wadenstein
Getting involved Debtags Enrico Zini
Country list Margarita Manterola
go/baduk Al Nikolov
Scheduling Ad Hoc BoF Time Slots Don Armstrong
Input Method roundtable Enrico Zini
Piece of advice: Don't go to lunch in the lunch break, if you can avoid it. It'll be crowded! Herman Robak
Group photo Tue at 16, be there Lars Wirzenius
Talk's slides Luciano Bello
Rogue dhcp server on the network Scott James Remnant
ANNOUNCEMENT: gathering for daytrip 10:15 Wednesday 13.7 Riku Voipio
Tango/Salsa/Swing - we need a room, stereo, and ogg123 W. Borgert
Is there a LaTeX guru in the house? Lior Kaplan
ANNOUCEMENT: daytrip Andreas Schuldei
64-bit machine available.. Yann Vernier
Debcake on friday evening Mattias Wadenstein
Pancake/Waffle night Margarita Manterola
looking for HTTP Proxy Torsten Werner
Going to Helsinki tomorrow Peter Karlsson
being good bandiwdth neighbors Micah Anderson
Partying Steinar H. Gunderson
music sharing martin f krafft
The last update was on 14:42 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 975 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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