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Re: Discussing problems at DebConf

On 2005-07-05 Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de> wrote:
> it might be only me that I missed something on the schedule which
> I'm really eager to: A session where we could discuss problems in
> our organisation. I was impatiently waiting for some words of the
> DPL or a DPL team member which concerned the problem of missing
> security updates in June.  I have to admit that I definitely
> expected a word from our leaders what they did to fix the short term
> problem and what they want to do for the future to have fallbacks
> for all critical positions in our organisation.  Please lets come
> together and use the chance to discuss in real live which might be
> more useful than e-mail or irc.  If there would be problems in the
> schedule I would offer my latex-beamer BOF session and also offer to
> take over moderation of this kind of session.

I think this would result in a press-conference (or occasion for
lynching) szenario instead of a productive coming together. This
situation could be awfully uncomfortable, on one side "them" (the
leaders, *-master, DSA, ...) on the other side the "mere developers",
and the former group is supposed to explain how _they_ are going to
fix our problems. (WTF?) *-master is not going to have the perfect
idea during this stressful minute, and if they had it would deserve
a wider audience than debconf - debian-devel-announce@ldo.
                    cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

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